
The replies to your aren’t shallow.

Just a heads up: If you get shitty or mean in these comments I’ll remove them. Go be an asshole somewhere else. 

Fucked up how you want people to lose jobs because you don’t like a thing

Also, lest we forget, Zendaya is Meechee

What's 2007 like seeing as you're stuck there apparently.

Scott Van Pelt’s Sportscenter highlights circa the early 2000's were filled with ATHF and Tenacious D references. “Kevin Garnett.... makes the homies say ho and the girlies wanna scream!” 

A lot of what you said is at least somewhat incorrect, because the Let’s Go games are based on Yellow (not Red/Blue), which did feature Jessie and James. I know I’m being a bit pedantic about it but that is also why the two starters are Pikachu or Eevee and a bunch of other stuff that seems kind of out of place if you

As for year one weapons and armor, you can pull out a fresh copy from your collections and it will be 20 Power below your current average for something like 5 legendary shards, 5 gunsmith materials and 5000 glimmer or whatever.
It’s not great but it will be usable at least.

Tekken Tag on PS2 was my favourite. Music, tagging, loads of playable characters and unlockables such as Tekken Bowl.

If you're aware of the whole same-sex relationship debacle with Tomodachi Life, then you should know that they willfully ignored the existence of non-heterosexual people. I feel that acting as though that acknowledgement is something that "shouldn't be brought up" is wrong.

I'd love to see a duplicate find/remove feature. Can't count the number of times I've added a song to a playlist of 200+, only to later find it was one of three in the playlist.

o.O. You take this article about Facebook likes serious? Think you should worry for yourself and not "fanboys".

What does it all mean? In the grand scheme of things, not much. Perhaps the Xbox One's heavy focus on being an all-in-one entertainment solution perked the ears of more Facebook-savvy consumers. Or Wii U players are too busy socializing on the system itself to toss Nintendo a virtual thumbs-up. It's just a fun little

The government is ok with hiring companies like Blackwater to fight their wars for them but we can't hire these talented people because they smoke marijuana.

Typically no one ever actually cares who read the stuff, it's websites that try to make it into an "issue". Sadly it typically succeeds but only from those that have no interest in the source material, and just want to raise hell over absolutely nothing.

I don't have much to back it up as it was a ban done by a private corporation, but yes, according to Dreddit corporation, he did.

I honestly thought this article was just going to be you saying:

No kidding. Like nobody can comprehend the fact that a static collection of hardware that will be used by gamers for 6+ years can be bested in performance by top-of-the-line custom hardware in a PC. Every time I see that retarded "master race" crap I just roll my eyes.

tree to tree you say.....