
His use of those stupid pointy nose emote is almost as bad as his shitty comments

Any list that doesn’t have Brotherhood at the #1 slot is patently wrong, it's the game AC2 should have been, went to Rome, had a sick ninja brotherhood mechanic and non-sucky combat, oh and slick multiplayer. It was... Perfect.

Whoa lookout guys, we got a badass over here. He doesn’t give “a fuck” and has been dealing with assholes since 1997! Wow what a life to have lived, so full of laughter and fun and friendship, I'm sure

Kinda feels like they set her up to fail with that question. They asked it knowing she'd probably make a joke. Sure, it was in poor taste, but seems like that kind of question should just be left off to begin with.

Meanwhile on Xbox it does it all for me and takes no time at all

Yah but I’m like way higher than you lol scrub

But like... Did they re-instate him? 

A I the only one triggered that they labeled Halo 3 as Reach

Ah, the age old Halo debate: which game was best

There were also icons that changed depending on the save, so some games looked different when you completed them or did special things in the game.

This is me and Destiny 2. I probably wasted about... 5 years playing destiny and while the concept and friends there are amazing, as a PvP player nothing stays the same. So Everytime you get a footing on the new meta, it changes and you have to adjust again. It’s exhausting. Things like PUBG change less drastically

I goes way deeper than that. This shrine is well known even to Japanese to be controversial.

This isn’t really a sale, it’s a price drop. I’m betting it goes even lower if you give it time

This isn’t really a sale, it’s a price drop. I’m betting it goes even lower if you give it time

You should battle trainers though, for money! Especially on SS Anne, those fuckers are loaded

Why did you delete my comment about collections page? You can pull armor and guns at a higher level from there for a few legendary shards

Hey, you know you can pull a higher leveled Prosecutor from your collections page, right?

My legit shiny Charizard. Caught him as a Charmeleon in a friend's safari. Took me a couple days. He is much stronger now.

Especially iTunes, an empire built on fighting prices down on music...and have created the toxic Spotify-type situation which is great for customers, but not for creators. They exist as they do now by making money off people's songs, lots of them with sexual content, no problem. Suddenly when a game depicts sex it's

yea, though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death...

Is it really so bad to say -nothing-? He was trying to avoid controversy and still somehow made headlines. I know positige articles can be more effective than these negative ones. Sick of people on Kotaku sharing Drake videos (horribly misogynist everytime) and then up in arms over ladies treatment in games. Things