
FYI, the line-of-coke problem is easily solved with one of those harmonica harnesses. C’mon, don’t you watch MacGyver?

I have always been curious to know how mail originating from The US (well, or any country, really) is handled in other countries who have a different writing system than the sender... Is it presumed that all Japanese postal workers can sound out phonetically spelled words written with our alphabet?

I drove by this on the way from Vegas to LA during a 112° heatwave in July of 2014; not knowing what these were when they came into view from around a mountain, one of those towers like the one shown above was so goddamn bright, it was worse than the sun in your eyes (low enough to the horizon to where the sun visor

Everyone was expecting some shit to go down at the 2014 World Cup, what with all the remote stadiums spread all over the country, but it went off without a hitch... then again, ISIS was in diapers at the time..

Last I checked, there aren’t any 110-story buildings in Thailand constructed in the same manner and of the same exact materials that the WTC was constructed of... So, he’s going to crash a plane (complete with passports strewn about! Ooh!) into some random abandoned ramshackle high-rise building slated for demolition

Yeah, little are the fans aware that they’re actually proxy-venting about the Great Caribbean Sugar Cane Poaching War of 1894...

Weeeeel, I do remember there was a very short-lived left-handed store in our local mall circa 1984 or so, well before the Simpsons.

Ah, John Quiñones, the poor man’s Chris Hansen. When the show first started airing, you can sense his desperation to become known by announcing that he is John Quiñones, almost in hopes that he’d become recognized and talked about much like Chris Hansen. Sorry, John... have a seat over there...

So his penis is allowed to be in full-view of all his teammates in the locker room, but if he discreetly shows it without anyone noticing, they’re all suddenly victims to indecent exposure?

Here y’go...

When the camera first panned to Jim Nantz, I had to explain to my wife about how “that guy on the right orders his toast charred black” and for the remaining two minutes of the interview I had to explain the laminated photo of burnt toast he carries...

Echoes... with the sounds... of strawmen....

Living in Tahiti < Being the Laughing Stock of Tahiti

A good portion of that $2000/mo goes towards the freakin’ lightbulb bill... Jeez:

Edin-bru pronounced like Irn Bru? because I’m pretty sure they were expecting a rolled r in there somewhere... again could just be them havin’ fun with the Yanks..

I concur — when I tried it I likened it to a very large hush puppy stuffed with spicy meat of some sort.. it was great — especially with some of that good-times HP sauce...

Fun question for you then: I have some newly-discovered Scottish cousins who my brother and I flew out to meet a few years ago — the whole lot of them live in Edinburgh, and so there were lots of laughs over how we pronounced Edinburgh and Glasgow — though we were told that people in Glasgow pronounce Glasgow like

Bonus: You get to hang with John Stossel all day..

To be cast in the buddy comedy called “Hijacking Hijinks!”:

Not to mention that most cop cars have GPS. But, of course, in the 3.5 seconds she had in thinking stealing the cop car would be an effective getaway, there clearly wasn’t enough time to fully weigh her options ;)