It’s an impressive run but it has to be said that Grey’s Anatomy is a terrible adaptation of Henry Gray’s original work
It’s an impressive run but it has to be said that Grey’s Anatomy is a terrible adaptation of Henry Gray’s original work
The emotions speak for themselves. It mattered to him and that’s all that matters.
I would have doubled-down and put the Fargo opening text on it.
It is important to accept great pieces of art as singular creative moments.
Disappointing sequels are far more common than good ones, and even the good can still feel like a second squeeze of the orange.
What matters most about Disco Elysium is what other work it inspires. It is a landmark in the ongoing story of…
Good for these kids. While the paper shouldn’t be shut down, getting your school paper killed for doing journalism is a cool story to have. History will be far kinder to them than the board.
I think it’s an important film with a lot of fantastic material, but I also think both reactions remain valid. Today in the 2020s it fits perfectly between the two eras of the show, but in the immediate aftermath of the show’s end it would have been a hugely disappointing retread for an audience hungry for more.
Anyone described as a “Royal Author” deserves to die mad
Working as a picker for an afternoon is not slavery.
They managed to do everything they needed to without a single wasted frame.
Bringing back Marie was a stroke of genius. It adds all the necessary context for just how much damage was done along the way. As much as the audience may want Jimmy to talk his way out of the consequences, doing so would have cheapened the…
127 hours?? That means you could watch the entire BB/BCS saga before immediately cutting your arm off in a desert canyon!
The monochrome world of the post-Breaking Bad timeline gives me similar feelings to the new reality at the end of Twin Peaks: The Return. A haunting lonely wasteland that the audience shouldn’t really have access to. We have strayed beyond the frame of the stage into the place at which stories die.
It seems like a good idea for the Amazon show to downplay any connection to the movies. The more people view it as a new and separate adaptation of the material the better.
There is a slightly questionable scene in the Marie Curie biopic ‘Radioactive’ in which she experiences fevered visions of the consequences of atomic research, including witnessing Trinity and finding herself standing in Chernobyl.
This is like asking for more job opportunities at a concentration camp.
Absolutely no one should want to feel represented by James Bond.
Oh, it’s definitely ideological. To me it’s no different than the ‘might is right’ people who believe the ability to physically dominate someone is the only measure of how correct an action is. Both situations omit human complexity and reasoning in exchange for blind natural chaos.
Nobody should want an Emmy.
The awards lost all credibility the day they gave one to Andrew Cuomo.
Plenty of Christians will happily push you into an oven and then sit by the door praying for you as you scream in agony.
Never gonna happen. That dragon spinoffs gonna kill the whole franchise dead.
Why do people want this so bad? James Bond is a disgusting character.
“I don’t care what the law says! The law bends to MY will! The law does what I say! Do you know who I am? I’m a genius!! KUBRICK!!!”