Only it's the producers of the thing asking for more time.
Only it's the producers of the thing asking for more time.
Right because releasing something before it's ready worked out so well last time.
Okay, okay. I'll do it.
damn you Disney
I´m from Brazil. Wanna know why the price is so high? Because our laws consider video games the same as gambling machines. I remember seeing some online petitions to fix this but nothing has been fixed so far. It's really a shame.
Same old tired bullshit. If I hear the words "Impossible" in a DW episode again.. ugh. These recent seasons have really grated on me - either they've run out of ideas or I've just grown out of liking this show.
It took me awhile to realize that wasn't just a picture of sailor moon. I didn't recognize the princess.
Is it just me, or is remixing Disney princesses becoming sort of an old meme? They even made fun of it on Fake Pinterest.
What about this mysterious man popping up when JFK was assassinated?
One of them keeps trying to do a television series.
Moral superiority ahoy.
I've frequently said that developers only design this way to provide what the audience wants. This pretty clearly backs that up. I don't care about this game and probably won't play it. If this is what the audience wants, if the developer thinks it will sell more games, I have no problem with it.
The prequels also had a bit of a handicap in that what came after was already pretty much set in stone. They had to end with certain situations set up, and those things couldn't be changed, even if it would have made for a much better story.
Actually, aside from the films themselves, it is a proven fact that Lucas' involvement in the Star Wars franchise only improves said franchise. Case in point: The Clone Wars. By all accounts it is universally accepted as an amazing extension of the films, filled with action, great storytelling, and mythic fun. And…
As someone who has lived in Alaska all her life I can assure you of the following:
You're missing half of the country
Laura Miller is such a tremendous writer. So capable of presenting her point with reserve.
I am not a Christian, nor am I a believer; however, I feel that it is the reasoning in this article - which is typical of most anti-theistic arguments against the reconciliation of the coequal magisteria - that misses the point. The Catholic church's - and again I must stress that I am neither a Christian nor a…