
Identifying a package pirate is not a high priority for local authorities. Embarrassing clumsy doofuses is. Sometimes they overlap, but it’s just a happy coincidence.

As Neil Postman says, the future is more Brave New World than 1984. Or the future was when Postman wrote Amusing Ourselves to Death. I guess that’s the present now.

Well shoot, now I want that too.

OHMYGOD AND WHAT???? You can’t keep me in suspense on this forever!!!!!

OHMYGOD AND WHAT???? You can’t keep me in suspense on this forever!!!!!

T9 texting was awesome. I enjoyed the serendipity of words that used the same number sequence — “home” and “good,” e.g.

I somehow missed “ok” in my reading of the journal, and I want to thank you for correctly directing my attention to it.

You’re right that the 13" MBA doesn’t make a lot of sense in Apple’s current lineup, but I’d like to see something to take the place of the 11". I use my 2011 11" MBA for 6+ hours every day, and it still makes me very happy. It still does everything I need to do, and probably could do a lot that I don’t need. It

That’s the future as I see it too, more or less.

Let’s be sure, we don’t want this thing spreading.

They changed the rules since then! Now it’s chaos. I think it’s currently possible for the game to get tied up in the federal appeals court system for years.

Am I not allowed a rooting interest in a game I’m not watching?

Can this game end in a tie? That’s all I have to root for now.