I loved reading this because it was creepy and hilarious at the same time, thanks to your descriptions. You should copy/paste into TripAdvisor or whatever because SOLD, I would 100% drag my SO on that ghost hunt after reading your review!
I loved reading this because it was creepy and hilarious at the same time, thanks to your descriptions. You should copy/paste into TripAdvisor or whatever because SOLD, I would 100% drag my SO on that ghost hunt after reading your review!
I’m getting married in 56 days to a man I met on OkCupid. I slogged through some awful guys to find him, but it was worth it.
Worth a try, I think! I’ve gone out with five people from Tinder/OKC/Bumble. The first four were okay. The fifth one I’ve been seeing for the past three months! Like all of my close friends have moved away so I don’t have a ton of friends in my city so it’s been fun for me and gives me something to do.
Hey Jezzies— Talk to me about online dating. Any success stories? Horror stories? Tips? Is it something worth trying?
YAY! Go you and your daughter! (Confession time: I don’t know how to ride a bike and I’m a grown-ass woman, so your daughter is way ahead of me in that regard!) I’m glad you were able to fly without panic this time!
Congratulations, not just for the new job, but for hanging on to life until you found it! You’re Awesome!
My four year old learned how to ride a bike on our camping trip last weekend! :D That was exciting. My big accomplishment was my first plane trip since my string of panic attacks. I was totally fine. And my friend who went with me was freaking out so I had to calm her down through the turbulence. Lol. We were rewarded…
Congrats to Mr. Antisocial on getting into the Coast Guard Academy! Welcome to my hometown neck of the woods!
Hi Jez friends! So sorry for my SNS hiatus. It’s been a crazy couple of weeks. With that, here is your Brag Thread! What big or small brags do you have from this week? We want to hear them!