
I've never cared for the halo franchise but seeing this makes me want a halo movie that looks as good.

awww yeah!

The more they brag, the more they have to deliver and deliver well. I hope it's as good as they think it is.

@E.B. Farnum: His opinion? Buy new shitty 60$ games.

That was an absolute pop-culture overload.

Now playing

Post-apocalyptic themes peaked with this. Cmon id, do something more interesting.

Michael you'll have a lot more luck with the ladies if you don't start each and every fucking sentence with "So".

It looks like an updated Gunz with valve elements.

Please let there be a cyber-punk sims in the future.

In the first 10 seconds or so I honestly thought this was a scout mod. It's uncanny how much they sound alike.

This will look great next to my gold crown air-freshener

Who was offended by the recent penny arcade comic? I mean, "dickwolves". How can that NOT be funny?