
Thank buddha I didn't take the job there.

These are very cool but they left out an important sound that without, just doesn't feel complete. Microswitch clicks! Those clicks from the joysticks and buttons being smashed. You can't do a hadouken without click click click click

Soon he discovered that this rock-thing was true. Jerry Lee Lewis was the devil and Jesus was an architect previous to his career as a profit. All of a sudden, he found himself in love with the world, so there was only one thing for him to do. To ding-a-ding-dang his dang-along-ling-long.

@dowingba: How the hell do you milk something into the ground?

They should change their name to Game Lift. You know, because they lift ideas from other games! nyuk nyuk

If Activision is willing to screw the heads of IW. Imagine what the artists, programmers and designers must be going through. Those poor guys are missing a lot of money.

I think they showed the wrong Strider during the Genesis part. That looked like the NES version of Strider to me.