
You must be a lot of fun at parties. Do you get this upset when someone asks you to bring ice to a party?

I'd say bring Drew Karpyshyn back, and make sure all the writers and artist are caught up on the canon information. There were a lot of little inconsistencies in ME3 that really took me out of the game. Then again, I'm probably the only person who ever read the entire codex and all the planet info.

When Lori started clutching her belly and going "the baby is coming" I started yelling "LORI NO, THIS IS ABOUT T-DOG RIGHT NOW, DON'T BE SELFISH"

Alright, big rant with lots of spoilers incoming: I just saw this movie last night and I'm still kinda peeved about it.

If you don't grasp the concept, please go out and meet some real queer people, and ask them questions so you can expand your world-view.

Nobody said "no straight people allowed". It's about creating a safe and welcoming environment for people who, more or less, feel "othered" by mainstream gaming culture. It's the same reason there are specifically gay clubs. Sometimes you just want to go somewhere and be yourself without worrying about other people

1) that looks like a glass cutting board, which yeah, is a piece of crap and will wear your knives out real quick. 2) anything softer than metal is good to cut on, like wood and plastic. Granted they scratch and gouge much easier, but a trip through the dishwasher will be enough to kill any lingering bacteria. Wood is

They've already cast Daario, so it's probably safe to say that they aren't going to change that aspect.

I was browsing the "gross" tag on tumblr (trying to find a gif of Hank from King of the Hill going "auuugh"), and it was full to the brim of young women posting pictures of themselves, with tags like "ugly" and "hideous" and "fat". One particularly thin woman showed up a few times, and it was always shots of her from

Are you sure you aren't talking about the current ending? #zing

I still stand by my original analysis: Bioware needed another six months to a year to work on this game, and they should've kept Drew Karpyshyn on board as the lead writer.

Well, four days to get my galactic readiness rating up so this DLC will matter.

I'm a professional myself, and I have no fucking patience for people who can't be bothered to learn how to cut things safely. There are so many free resources online, and even watching the Food Network can help, all you have to do is pay attention to how the cooks are curling their fingers under or whatever. Accidents

Well, I think during the early stages of exploring your sexuality when you're not certain where you lie on the spectrum, I think it's natural to question whether you're looking at women because you're attracted to them, or because you're subconsciously assessing the "competition". I know I confused the two, when I was

I like my porn in comic form, because I find a lot more female authors and artists have a niche in that medium, and they are (generally) more in tune with what gets women off.

So I've been seein' this guy for almost three years now. We're doing the long distance thing, and both him and the distance are really starting to grind down on me. I kinda wanna break it off because I'm not very happy, but every time we talk he brings up how happy he is with me and how he can't wait to see me, and I

If I had a daughter, I would totally name her Arya, 'cause she's just a badass little girl. That would be such and aspiring namesake to look up to.