
... I think you're thinking of Winterhold. Which I often call Winterfell accidentally because I am a big fan of both GoT and Skyrim.

I hate when you score a big cardboard box of girliemags and they end up being haunted.

Speaking of Gumshoe, I picked up the habit of calling everyone "pal" several years ago when the games came out. Irritates the shit out of everyone.

There's a few scattered around Beaverton. There's one posted at my bus stop, I want to tear it down whenever I see it.

I wish I had a "meaty clit". Then maybe assholes like him could find it.

I have had some weird ass vodka flavours in my time, including eucalyptus and "purple", but this just sounds like a team of vodka producers put food stuffs on a board and threw a dart at it. Next up: Ruben sandwich vodka, with notes of thousand island dressing and sauerkraut.

So I guess Fox News thinks Obama is part of the Templars?

Wait, if they're Amish, how are they using the internet?

I don't know, I really don't.

According to the latest analysis from RAINN, 46 percent of rapes are reported to authorities. 12 percent leads to an arrest. And only three percent of rapists will ever see a day behind bars.

I'm well aware that it's not a minor subplot- in reality, it's the foil that holds many aspects of the story together, and probably the main message from the first game. That doesn't make it the main lesson to draw from. Shepard isn't fighting the Reapers because organics must win against machines, he's fighting for

Granted, it's a big subplot that's inevitable with these kinds of sci-fi stories, but the message of the game has never been "Organics will prevail".

Now playing

I think the ending was so poorly received because it breaks a lot of basic storytelling rules.

What worked for me was adding Origin as a non-Steam game, then opening it only through Steam. The overlay extended into any game I ran, including ME3. I've read that it doesn't work with everybody, but give it a try!

Making games was a lot cheaper back then, too.

Anyone beaten Mass Effect 3 yet? I want to know what y'all feel about the ending. I'm kind of experiencing the stages of grief right now (over a fucking video game) and could use a little back-and-forth.

I suddenly have the urge to write a Kirk Cameron/Ray Comfort BDSM fanfic and mail it to them...

In my fantasies, in which I pretend that I would be a good mother and actually want kids, my child's first word is "kohlrabi".
