
Then don't have any in-game relationships, quit being a whiny baby, and let the rest of us have some fun.

If you start your argument by saying "I'm not homophobic or anything" or "I don't go to anti-gay rallies or something", you need to know you're slightly less credible than the guy who says "I have a black friend!"

Oh man, I could eat breakfast for every meal. I had a month-long stint of eating huevos rancheros every morning, with black beans and lots of hot sauce. My current go-to meal is a barley porridge, spiced with cardamom and topped with whatever fruit compote I put together on the weekend. Currently a fig and sultana

I named my Femshep Joana, in an attempt to tie her to a Latin American heritage. But everyone just calls her "Jo", in my special little headcanon.

Congrats, you managed to get your dick wet, like the majority of the population has. Extra props for finding a chick who doesn't mind boning a giant manbaby.

I love how that model is like "bitch I'm walking here"

I'm more weirded out by the fact that Shepard is hanging out with a turian who isn't Garrus. :U

NEWS FLASH: Guys like tits, and will still probably have sex with you if your boobs don't fit into their personal preference. If he won't because your boobs are too big/too small, he is a jackass anyway.

I just had a little experiment with my boyfriend.

It's funny, I dated a girl from North Dakota who was finally coming to terms with being gay, but she was really worried about her last name if we ever got married. She said we should take mine since I'm marginally more "butch". She was mortified when I said we should rock-paper-scissors for it.

I second the Yamhill pinot noir, but that might just be because I'm from Oregon and we have the best pinot. For a cheap, fruity red wine, give Yellow Tail's syrah a try.

"I don't like what this organization stands for, so I'm gonna yell at some kids.

I have never heard gooch. Taint, choad, yes, but gooch? That's gross.

Did anyone see Hell Comes to Frogtown? Rowdy Roddy Piper is the last man alive after some nuclear thing kills all the other guys, so some ladies take him prisoner, put a bomb on his dick, and tell him to save some fertile chicks from a frog mutant's harem so he can have sex with them and save the human population.

More like Nigerian, but ok.


Oh believe me, I've tried to tell my dad all that, but he thinks he can just substitute them in equal amounts. That's when I point at my big fancy degree in culinary arts and tell him I know what I'm talking about. But he doesn't listen. Then he always asks for my cookie recipes, and gets mad at me when they don't

not the way my dad does it. I constantly have to tell him to level off the heaping pile of flour he has in his cup measure, and then he thinks he can substitute baking soda for baking powder if we're out, and it's just a big mess. His cookies either come out really really flat, or puffed way up.

You know you have a flimsy argument when it boils down to "it's not my fault I can't control my urges!"

Why didn't I get a dildo with my birth control? I feel left out.