
You can't voice chat in Origin. As far as I'm aware you can't create multi-user chat rooms in Origin. That's shit that Steam has done forever, and happens to be really useful when you're trying to round up some friends for a game. So the thing is, they aren't offering social features, or rather just the meat and

46. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

But hating something that everyone likes is more fuuuun.

For the life of me I can't remember the name of the indie studio doing something similar to this i.e. all female, queer, or poc staffing. They're a neat group of people who don't go around screaming DIE CIS SCUM, and while their game has more of an anime flair, it's less about "look at all these people who don't fit

I keep saying I'd like to open a bakery, but then I'd have to get up early. I've gotten far too used to going into work at 3 pm, and making a million dinners until 10.

That works too! Some people just aren't worth the effort of talking to.

My favourite bakery has morphed into a boutique cupcake place over the last year or so. They used to sell all types of pastries, including a lot of whole grain options. I guess the chef's husband became really ill and she had to sell the shop, so her sister picked it up and began phasing out all the delicious brioches

Mm-hmm, it's pretty freakin' great. Little personal sized foie gras and orange cheesecake, on top of a hazelnut shortbread crust, little apricot compote on the side, delish.

The only acceptable time to have a cupcake is at a kid's birthday party.

I don't know if I'd stand up in the middle of a sermon and flip the pastor the bird, especially if I'm coming as a guest. If possible, I'd try to have some words with the speaker afterwards, let them know that, as an outsider, his/her words are disrespectful at best, bigoted at worst. They may totally dismiss you or

Ugh, I know. It's only cute when babies do it.

It's like fan fiction, but more depressing.

Bacon is the perfect foil for getting maple syrup to your mouth. Best of both worlds.

I'm trying to figure out what that lady in the picture is smearing on her face. Is that a pound cake cooked in a fluted tart pan? Piled with whipped cream or ice cream? Did someone try to make a baked alaska and forget the "baked" part? So many questions.

Pumpkin is a vegetable, that's good enough for me

I get what a beta is, thank you. It's seemed implied that now it is available to all users, that it's no longer in beta. But now that I've bothered to look at the download page (which I haven't looked at since I downloaded it earlier this week when it was a closed beta), I didn't realize that it's just gone open beta.

GAAAWD it's not a TOWER, it's a CASTLE and you get pushed out of the MOON DOOR.

Personally, I think the app could've used a little more polishing. You can't open links sent to you through chat, you can't view your entire library, and being unable to join groups or add friends kinda holds this app back. I love it otherwise, if only for the chat feature.

Oh for sure. Before I decided to get into culinary, my hair was long and shiny and I'd wear cute things when I went out, and I'd get the occasional comment (nothing too terribly obscene, at least). Then I chopped all my hair off, rarely left the house in anything but my frumpy work uniform. Now I end up riding the