
I'll be busy working on V-Day, but when I get home my SO and I will have a romantic e-date a la the Mass Effect 3 demo. Nerds in love, *le sigh*.

There is a god, and his name is Gaben.

Considering there's a good chance that, at some point in time, a game I want will go on sale for 50 percent off or more, I'd pretty much be getting brand new, untampered games at a pre-owned price.

Canola oil is a heart-healthy neutral oil, but olive oil has more minerals and stuff. Also, if you're paranoid about GMOs like I am, it's almost impossible to find canola oil made from non-modified rapeseed.

Smoking points are the temperature when the oil starts to get too hot and burns, creating smoke. Olive oil isn't a good deep-frying oil because its smoke point is something like 375 degrees, while canola will be fine at 450.

Canola oil isn't nearly as good for you as olive oil is, but if you're deep frying, it's one of your better options due to it's high smoking point. I prefer peanut oil for deep frying, but peanut allergies have become so ubiquitous you don't see it much in a professional setting

I had like, half a dozen pair of these dumb jelly shoes, some purple and orange spotted leggings, a red Winnie the Pooh shirt, and a ratty old denim vest, and I thought I was hot shit.

I think, in a sense, it means you shouldn't let your relationships define you. You are your own person, and while it's perfectly fine to be happier when you're with someone that makes you happy, a romantic relationship is not the end-all-be-all, and if that person stops making you happy, you should evaluate whether

Portland, you say? Try Delivered Dish. It's the reason I gained 15 pounds last year. Most of my favourite restaurants, delivered to my door, and I don't even have to talk to anybody.

I think it's towards end of the second book? I sort of tore through each book in succession, they all blend together. Pretty sure the accident happens in the second book, and the beginning of the third is his recovery.

Peter Dinklage will forever be handsome even after his terrible accident in the next season in Game of Thrones

Better a throat tumor than a god capable of destroying the earth, I guess.

That's some Silent Hill bullshit right there

hearted for saying that, and also because duck is amazing

That's why cake is always preferable to cupcakes, because there's frosting in every bite. Also it's bigger, so you don't have to eat two pieces to feel satisfied (but you can anyway)

@Remi That cuts deep, man. My culinary arts degree just cried a little.

Stay classy, Rick Ross.

Good. I'm tired of all this cutsie cupcake crap that's become so popular. The jars are pretty bad, because no one ever successfully pulls of the right cake-to-frosting ratio, or they don't use wide-mouth jars. I hope TSA catches on to those cupcakes with the tiny pies baked inside them, those are the worst offenders.

I don't know what kind of chicks you hang out with, but most people don't think that mangling the opposite sex's genitals due to some kind of revenge complex is an ok thing.

You've never seen a Jackass movie, then.