
A parade of pink hot pants and feather boas as far as the eye can see. And Ru Paul will be there, and everyone will be a beautiful drag queen, and we can sashay away into eternity.

I'm too embarrassed to buy feminine products, so I just get the depo shot so I won't even bleed.


Do people still wear scrunchies? I don't think I've seen one on anyone's head since 2003. And I definitely wouldn't want to see them on a guy's boner.

Oh man. The restaurant I work at just came out with a cocktail using this vodka called a "Cloud 9".

It's been in development for a while, actually. They only recently got rights from HBO to use the actor's likeness. There was an article here on Kotaku a while back, talking about how they had to remake a lot of character models to look like the actors.

Fer sure. I think with proper character development, practical designs will follow. The clothing is one part of a bigger problem.

It's not the pattern they're suing for, it's the name "Navajo". It's trademarked. You can't throw the name on something unless it's actually made by the Navajo people, or they license the name to the company.

So if my sommelier test doesn't kill me, the alcohol eventually will. Awesome.

Aw, I was gonna make that joke.

Both, really. I think it comes down to presentation. You can have well rounded female characters practising science in their undies, and you can have two-dimensional characters in a furry onsie. It's not the clothes that are inherently sexist, its when you slap a metal bikini on the video game equivalent of Kim

Who's watching that chick-flick? Probably women, right? And who's playing video games more often, hm? 'Cause I doubt it's the same chicks who are watching the romcom.

Oh... oh my.

What a dick.

Ok, my naievete is showing. I googled Hitachi and got power tools and hard drives. That doesn't sound sexy. What is this magical sex device of which you speak?

She got away with it because it's Fox News. They don't actually know any black people.

Men are idealized to represent strength. Women are idealized to represent sexual attractiveness. It's a reflection of how society idealizes both genders, but they are different.

You know what, Kotaku? Just stop posting stories about gender equality and sexism in games, because the community proves over and over again that it's not capable of having a decent discussion about it. I've seen comments here calling women sluts, saying "men generally play video games so this is how it'll be", and


All these dudes look high-maintenance. As in, they'd have to be in the gym for hours at a time every day, super weird about their diets, spending stupid amounts of money at salons to get waxed. I just want a guy who will go to the gym with me for like, an hour, then come home and help me polish off a pint of