
you guys wouldn't have liked the pig head terrine I made at work a few weeks ago.

My friends usually freak out when they come over and start digging in the fridge for snacks. I always have a pile of two or three chicken carcasses waiting to become stock tucked away in my freezer.

You don't have to put a chicken head in it. It's the skin and bones you're after anyway: lots of collagen in them, makes for a more viscous stock. I don't really suggest going out of your way to buy chicken heads just for stocks, but if I had a chicken with the head on, sure, toss it in the pot.

I think a discussion of race and feminism would be beneficial to the community. But I think this article contains too many incendiary phrases and the point of it is kind of lost in the writing. People shut down when they feel that their character is being attacked. And Jimi Izrael made wild assumptions about all

Now what's this about a stinky belly button and cunnilingus?

I always thought it'd be interesting if they changed up the starters. Instead of fire, water, and grass starters, mix up the strategy with psychic, dark, and fighting starters. That'd be enough to make we want to play a new pokemon game.

You're right, there's a problem with character design throughout the whole industry. Recycled archetypes, poor dialogue, cliche design elements, these apply to both genders across a wide variety of genres. But the title of this article is "the Role of Women in Created Worlds". You could write a novel about all the

I don't believe there's an agenda-driven mob of feminists here saying that every female in video games needs to wear a turtleneck and be a scientist. What's being said is that there needs to be more variation. A character who's design is to be the T'n'A and the romantic interest for the main character is fine with me

Some do, some don't. But think about it this way; who are video games generally marketed to? Because I'm pretty sure girls aren't the target demographic of Gears of War.

The difference being men are designed that way to emphasize strength, while female designs are sexualized. Both are shitty and a sign of a lazy designer, but they are a little different.

Feminists don't want a homogenized "strong female character" in every game. Most of us even like the "sexy" characters. The problem lies in when a character is first designed as the sexy bombshell, and all her other traits are secondary to the size of her tits.

I watched too many Discovery Channel specials about the deadliest animals in the world when I was a kid. Like, 90 percent of the critters that will kill you live in Australia. I don't care how sexy their accents are, I don't want to wake up in the middle of the night covered in tarantulas and venomous snakes.

I think people assume that you've lost weight due to hard work and a lifestyle change, so they feel the need to congratulate your dedication. 'Cause weight loss is like, really hard and unpleasant, you know.

It was probably a sunday. I find the Trimet bus drivers are especially grumpy and irritable on sundays.

Spoilers: Everyone you love will die.

I have a Christian friend who did every sexual thing under the sun in high school, just short of vaginal penetration. And she'd go around talking up her virginity and generally being holier-than-thou.

Download Evernote. You can sync it to your computer and any mobile device. I keep all my recipes in there, for those occasions when I'm at a party and someone overhears that I'm a cook. "Ohhh that's so cool! Do you have a recipe for "x"?" I used to be like "no bitch, go away" but now I can whip out my phone and be

I threw up a little

Can we just stop making Silent Hill games and play Silent Hill 2 forever?

I saw a chart a few months ago (which, of course, I can't find now) that showed the discrepancy between brands and sizes. Yes, there is a standard size, but a lot of brands deviate from it by a couple centimetres to an inch. I imagine it has a lot to do with the way things are manufactured, since there have been times