
Please don't go on about victim blaming, then say something about women dressing "provocatively" attracts rape.

I was holding out for a green 3DS. They introduced the "fire red" version, which gave me a little hope. Now this pink monstrosity. I ended up buying a black one. :c

We're out there. It's just most of us don't advertise it with a bright pink DS.

Hearted for being rational.

They're too... luscious.

I carry a lot of useless shit around with me. One item being a wine key. My friends taunt me, saying "Why would you need a corkscrew, it's not like you're ever gonna need to open a bottle of wine while you're out!"

Maybe I'm missing the point. But who are they marketing this to? Pretty sure actual pilots won't be able to wear this. And I'm pretty sure nobody will want to cosplay "that guy in the 100 dollar N7 onesie". I'm just curious who asked for this, because it seems a little retarded.

I worked with an instructor once who lost his pinky finger to a lobster. He proceeded to demonstrate by prodding a live lobster with a pencil, which it got a hold of and snapped in half. "That's why those rubber bands are there."

Oh, but I might prick my delicate fingers while I work on my cross-stitch!

Yeesh, I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe if you cut your hair short, dye it red, and slouch a lot, she'll think you're me. I'll hide her glasses.

I'm about to throttle my mother.

You should make yourself a grilled portobello mushroom burger, then go out back an enjoy it very loudly.

Oh believe me, I would gladly put on an extra sweater to have access to health care and never having to care about Michelle Bachmann ever again.

Actually, I lived in Canada for a brief time as a child. I still have plenty of family there. My SO lives in Vancouver, and I frequently venture up north. I've been wanting to move since I got out of high school, but staying in the states for college was a little easier on me. So, when the opportunity presents itself,

Well I'd rather go to Sweden, but I don't speak Swedish. Canada's at the top of the "least fucked up English speaking countries" list.

I was very lucky to have a family that enjoyed cooking while I was younger. I learned a lot from my dad, who does a lot of BBQ. I ended up going to culinary school, which I graduated from a few months ago, and I work in a very nice, upscale restaurant serving food to rich white folk. Which is a lot of fun, but isn't

I've been doing some research into the right of asylum. I figure if any of these woman, atheist, and queer-hating republicans get elected, I have three reasons to defect to Canada.

Thank you for taking a competent female character and reminding us that all we need to care about is her boobs.

It's not all about you, Brian.