if shakira gets sued she won’t have to swear under oath, since her hips don’t lie
if shakira gets sued she won’t have to swear under oath, since her hips don’t lie
I’m a person of color and do find myself rolling my eyes quite a bit whenever I see movies/tv set nostagically in the 1950s with care-free teens in their poodle skirts, going steady and hanging out at maltshops. Everything is typically made to look cute and charmingly Americana because they’re not acknowledging how…
What was actually the case was significant nationwide economic growth in the 1950s, which started slowing down in the 1960s. But there was plenty of cultural strife even then, it’s just been excised in the rosy nostalgia. Ask black folks how great the 1950s were.
Awwww.... he just didn’t want to miss a thing.
That’s one down. Now, what do we have to do to stop the rest from playing?
I think we all know the correct choice is Werner Herzog:
i hope that headlines constantly refer to assholes on this show as “jerks”. As in “The Circle Jerks Once Again Ruin Everybody’s Fun” or some such
The Infinite Jest of AV Club comments
The Circle is the the new Dawes and you should too!
It was just a stunningly awful trailer that manages to hit all of the late 2010s trailer cliches. Playing a maudlin version of a famously upbeat song over everything? Check. Veering wildly between slapstick and sentimental pap? Check. Cutting to black immediately after the protagonist is introduced, as if to say “yes, …
Needs more slide whistle
Folgers in the Attic.
“The best part of waking up is 2 girls and 1 cup”
Me, before watching the ad: “More clickbait bullshit.”
I’ve found the reactions on this story so far to be pretty fascinating as an illustration of the difference between the context of living through something versus learning about it from history.
He was fantastic in Undeclared! Main problem is, he can’t act for shit and loses most of his charm with his (also pretty shit) American accent.
His face is all natural, but it is made out of pepperoni. Papa John’s food costs went up significantly when he was ousted.
Tons of plastic surgery
my soul will never be at ease until Ray Liotta plays Papa John
Is this some sort of ironic response to scorcese saying he’s not a fan of superhero movies?