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I was struck by your comment about Mrs. Lindbergh. Maybe I’m misreading her scenes, but I see her as complicit with her husband; her role, however, is to be the velvet glove around the mailed fist. She is just polite and friendly enough to assuage Bengelsdorf (and by extension, any supporter with a hint of concern

Quick note -- I think “Hoover’s G-men” refers to J. Edgar Hoover, not Herbert Hoover

Talk about uncomfortable. Given current circumstances hearing the “loyalist” radio news report completely misrepresent the facts to serve the administration’s purposes is a gut punch. Like, I feel like we are thiiiiiiiiis close to this reality and I don’t have a lot of confidence that we won’t get there.

I think  “Hoover’s G-Men” is a reference to J. Edgar Hoover, right? Those were FBI guys watching Winchell's speech? 

table-pounding as applauding is a German thing, I was very surprised when I first heard it to as a visiting teacher, but it dates back to when students had fancy canes and applauded by hitting the floor with them. Why it reads as fascism...well

But even while Herman is standing with a crowd or resistors in Paterson, he’s still hoping that somebody else—Walter Winchell, in this case—will be fighting his battles for him.

I was surprised how quickly Philip threw Seldon over the side, but at least he had the grace to feel shitty about it.

This. It’s a hugely polluting business which avoids paying taxes and violates any worker protections. We’re all better off with cruises being a thing of the past.

That would (figuratively) sink the business right there.

A million times this. They registered in random island nations to avoid paying taxes and so they could pay their workers next to nothing. Fuck em. Hope they all go belly up. 

Let them register their ships stateside and pay taxes and then we’ll look into giving them assistance in a year or two.

No article on cruise lines is complete without mentioning how much they pollute, and how often they get caught dumping trash at sea.

It was good

Lesson learned: we must be Better than Ezra

Rogen is wrong about the scale. If we assume a person is 150 lbs and the set is at ×2.5 scale, that would mean the Cats weighs about 10 lbs, because weight is linked to volume, which scales as the cube of the size along one dimension.

Meh. Anyone can get through that movie stoned. When someone’s brave enough to watch it stone cold sober, then I’ll get interested.

I really appreciate the work that Ronan is doing and stand with him on this 100%. 

Then she fired Flavor Flav.

Election’s over, folks. Bernie has the Bass Players Union in his pocket.

He’s in jail where he belongs for peddling Gregg’s stupid bootleg copies of A Star is Born