Ex- Californian here. It could be worse..y’all remember before they had the concentric hoses, your pump handle was plumbed for two of them, one fuel and one vapor recovery? They started the concentric hoses I think in the late 90s IIRC.
Ex- Californian here. It could be worse..y’all remember before they had the concentric hoses, your pump handle was plumbed for two of them, one fuel and one vapor recovery? They started the concentric hoses I think in the late 90s IIRC.
Wellll, they certainly did knot see that coming!
I totally agree. Limas have a 5 main bearing crank, which makes the lower end bulletproof. On my ‘97 Ranger it just turned over 250,000 miles and has never been apart for head or lower end work. It hardly burns any oil, and if the rear main seal gives out, Ford put a plate between the block and bell housing so oil…
1970 Pontiac Grand Prix and bullet birds from the early sixties. Both works of art.
@Slow Joe,
Somehow pops decided a 1956 Ford ranch wagon would be a great 2nd car for Mom to drive..this was in 1966..so it came home reeking of mildew from some sort of water leak. It took 2 cans of Lysol to kill the odor, but there was more.
Referencing the ‘57 Eldo Brougham? Huh?
Bullet nose 1952 Studebaker. I was a wee tyke, so no pictures are available. It self-ignited one day, that’s about all I know.
It worked in the Crossfire and the Ford Flex. But attempting this in stainless will be much more difficult. Stresses in the material will be harder to control.
45 years of precision sheetmetal fab and design here.
N11 is an Off Road exhaust, looking like turbo mufflers with 2-1/2" pipes. Not a Vette geek, I just googled it.
Buick Lucerne.
No, no, no!
Wow, that slide was used in our DFM team presentations a few years back when we would go to a customer site to analyze their designs, then leverage our multi-decades of manufacturing experience to show what kinds of cost savings they could expect if they streamlined their designs.
Ford did the same thing with the last Panthers. I had to replace the core. Twice. One of the reasons I C4C'D that pig and don't miss it. At All.
pretty much the same for the LS 430 and 2nd generation Avalon.
My 85 F250 6.9 long bed had an overweight indicator too. When the rear wheel arch was 1.5" from the top of the tire I knew I had about 4000 lbs of dirt in the back. Worked fine for me, never broke the truck and that’s how I got rid of nearly 50 tons of topsoil when I regraded our property.