
Electrek just reported that Tesla dissolved its PR Department. So your emails are just going into the bit bucket and no one will ever respond.

This is absolutely true. There’s no way that auto manufacturers can take Jalopnik, as a automotive website, seriously anymore. The hot takes, personal bias, and political rants of some of the few who have stayed have dragged this website down.  If I was Tesla, I’d tell Jalopnik to go pound sand too.  Heck, Nissan gave

As a long-time reader of Jalopnik, well over 10 years, and a loyal fan to a fault, it pains me to say this but the fact of the matter is...Jalopnik is no longer viewed as a media entity worth responding to by Tesla or any other major manufacturer. It surprises me that so many articles here point out that “I’ve reached

Maybe if you quit joking around and sent them serious questions they might respond?

We are here to help facilitate, not educate.


They won’t.

Well an intelligent and compassionate government would put laws in place to make sure people are paid and business can stay closed long term until the virus is mitigated.

Still don’t understand why so many of you are openly willing to gamble with children’s lives just because your personal anecdotes are telling you something different than what the vast majority of educated professionals are continuously saying.  

We need to get kids in schools, both for kids, parents, and the well-being of our society and economy. But of course we need to do it safely.

Optimism as a mitigation strategy is part of why we’re in this mess. So many groups, from political/governmental to educational to community, basically spent the past five months going “well, we’ll wait until we have to deal with it and hope it won’t be an issue”. They weren’t, on the whole, planning and trying to

From the NPR article linked above:

Schools will close again. There is no way around it. If you are in a state or region where they are starting in-person classes soon. Prepare for the inevitable.

Everyone in my family generally gets their flu shots in the fall. Last year life happened and we did not. Back in February we were supposed to go on a trip to Great Wolf Lodge during my son’s winter break from school. My son, daughter, and I all got our belated shots in January, because, well, Great Wolf Lodge is a

Not as pretty but it’d look kinda like this:

Truth. Fans and DEET are the only things that work.
 Mosquitoes and all other biting bugs (fleas, black flies....) LOVE me. They love me to the point that in my childhood, a pest control professional was tasked with following me around my daycare to find the hidden nest of whatever was eating me up. (There wasn’t one.)

My wife and I came up with a solution. We have a “Chooser” and a “Picker.” The Chooser chooses a selection of 3-5 movies they would be fine watching that night. The Picker has to pick from that selection. We take turns being the Chooser and Picker. In the end it ensures you both at least somewhat agree on what is

So my son grabs his sister’s hair, she bites his arm. I jump in and threaten to spank them both, so they jump on my back to pin me down. Now mom’s involved, she’s trying to separate them, but they’re tickling her so much she can’t stop laughing and starts to pee in her pants. My daughter somehow breaks free of the

I’ve been open about my own struggles with debt in the past, so sure, I’ve felt guilty. Guilty I couldn’t fix my issues faster, guilty I couldn’t provide for others more, guilty I would never get ahead. But you can call it whatever you want. 

Be sure he has recently showered.