
I 100% agree. Men should definitely have the ability to veto abortions, and it should happen as soon as they have the ability to get pregnant.

But was there at least a monogrammed mug for the hot chocolate?

The cheesecake and the hot chocolate weren't free if you gave it to them.

Free popcorn in a tray is our early front runner for best bco submission of 2015.

the mob of red crunchies chasing him and his thermos of white wine whilst demanding free popcorn in a tray

If they said Scrubs, I would immediately agree to stay in their care forever and ever. Especially Dr Cox

In all seriousness, the number of women and people of colour on that show is impressive, and the show makes surgery look like something really difficult but really inspiring to a subset of people that don’t often see themselves in roles like that. The show makes surgery seem relatable and attainable, and if people

Cristina Yang is a hero.

It sounds like Dempsey was being a major diva dbag. I’ve seen a few interviews where he all but admits that he is only doing Greys for the money, so he can fund his racing team. Considering how Shonda doesn’t even kind of fuck around, I guess we should have seen this coming. I blame them both. Except my loins, they

I watch Grey’s Anatomy. Not in a ‘Oh my gosh it’s Thursday and I can’t make any plans because I have to watch this episode!!’ kind of way, but in a ‘I’ll watch it if I remembered to DVR it and I don’t have to sit through any commercials’ kind of way. Did I see his death coming? Absolutely, they foreshadowed it like

Blonde leg hair. You might think it wouldn't show up - which it doesn't, when you're trying to shave. But step outside and suddenly I look like Edward fucking Cullen.

She replied, “Honey, if this is the worse thing to happen to be today, then I’ve got a pretty good life.”

I’m a little late but here goes. I worked in a Gay Dennys in Arizona and soon after gay marriage became legal, I had the most adorable elderly couple of men, one white, one black. They were seated at the counter and had on these beautiful leis. I asked if I could feel the real flowers and asked what the occasion was.

I once had a customer who ordered a cheeseburger with Swiss but got cheddar. When the mistake was realized, I apologized and offered her a free cookie. She replied, “Honey, if this is the worse thing to happen to be today, then I’ve got a pretty good life.” After getting bitched at by stuck up college kids and

I grew up in a Muslim family, and was always told to cover up, that what I was wearing was inappropriate, that how I was sitting was inappropriate, that what I was saying (when I spoke my mind) was inappropriate. I find the concept of mandating a woman’s dress in ANY manner to be oppressive. This is why I do not wear

Most woman in america wear the hijab by choice, especially when they’re above 18. Their parents don’t have control over their hijab much like christian parents don’t have control over their kids having premarital sex. Saying it’s oppressive just shows the feminists (and anyone else who totes that line) lack of

And for that I call bullshit on any feminist that tries to claim such. Women should be free to cover up as much as they feel comfortable.

Well aren’t you a special little snowflake??!!

I am also often unhappy, but that's usually to do with the fact that every day I live on this earth is a day I stand just a little closer to death and realize that no matter how hard I struggle against mortality no one will remember me 100 years from now unless I get a genocide together soon or something.