
See....I'd have broken the TV. And had the dog poop on the bed. But I'm super into revenge.

My (now ex) fiancé and I had a somewhat long-distance relationship. I worked an a city 3 hours from the small town we lived in, so I would stay with friends or my parents while I worked my 4 days on, and go home on my days off. Things were never "good" when I was at home, but anyone can tolerate each other for 4-5

My parents were always willing to let me quit, but only after I finished out the season (for team sports). Somehow, by the time the season ended, the urge to quit had usually passed. I think that was a good balance, and a good lesson.

I love the article and I unapologetically love ballet. Love it- from new and shiny pointe shoes to ratty legwarmers. I danced into the pre-professional levels when my short stature and tendency for my muscle mass to make me more solid than willowy meant that even though I could fit into girls' sizes I wasn't being

I read something once that Michelle Obama makes her kids do 2 activities, 1 she chooses and 1 they choose, because they don't always get to choose what they have to do. I think that's great because kids are such quitters. Its an essential time to build self esteem and character. I played oboe through middle school

I've never done ballet and my feet bend like yours. Sadly I am thick in the ass and can't dance. Your feet don't look bad at all.

I always laugh when people think ballet dancers aren't athletic.

Best. Outfit. Ever.

She was super gorgeous. I mean...

She is fabulous.

Don't forget she could also rock a full set of mechanic's coveralls!

When I was 22 I was riding the metro and this under frat bro was spitting game at a college girl in the seats in front of me. Every other sentence was KA this and KA that. Suddenly he mentioned that they had a really small pledge class this year and the girl, without missing a beat goes, "oh no. Is there suddenly a

These customers remind me of the dumbest person I ever had walk through the doors of the Borders I managed after college.

Sounds like the McDonald's kids transferred in from the Waffle House last week.

If you believe in equality, you're a feminist ...

more of a fool than someone who reports an envelope of glitter to the FBI for investigation and possible charges?

"But if you can find a girl who you can go to an EDM concert with, have a conversation with, who will sit on the couch and watch you play GTA for three hours—and then you go to bed and have amazing sex? That should be your girlfriend."

Niles was the absolute best.

I am six weeks post blindside-breakup and want nothing more than for my ex to vaporize into nothingness and be annihilated forevermore. I already have plenty of friends.