
Just a heads up, you can order a 2nd portion for free on their takeout/online ordering. My wife tipped me off to that after I kept bitching about the tiny portions too. 

I just finished S2 of the show and the crows were definitely the best part of it. That’s not to say the rest was in any way bad because I thoroughly enjoyed the series as a whole but they killed it. Freddie Carter absolutely stole the show as Kaz and Kit Young was charming as all hell as Jepser.

Damn. I literally got the snip on tuesday. Could’ve used these. 

At chili’s at least the food definitely wasn’t cooked on the skillet. It was assembled last minute on the insanely hot skillet. 

I mean, they’re well crafted recreations but in no way are those scary or particularly appealing to me. I feel like once you get the novelty of “heh, yeah this looks like an old horror game” there’s not much there. 

Yeah, you hear plenty of horror stories about working at the gigafactory here in NV. Good pay and everything but them and panasonic (both operate in the gigafactory) are known for churning through employees. 

I mean, I’ll be happy to roll a joint for someone if they asked but I’m absolutely not going to lay out edibles or joints for the party. That plus they’re smoking it outside, like I would. I love a few hits at night but the smell of pot smoke is not something I want my house to smell like. 

Yeah man, replacing all that lost ad revenue from reinstating garbage right wing accounts with paid verification has played out great for elon. There’s no benefit for regular users on either platform unless you’re making money on said platform. Most people don’t care about being an influencer so the pool of those

I snaked this idea from Claire Saffitz’s brownie recipe but adding a few teaspoons of malted milk powder is a game changer for boxed brownies. 

@midnight with an actually funny host sounds great to me.

I can’t believe you had a chain restaurant experience at a chain restaurant. 

Yeah, I watched the first 3 or so episodes and to me, the jokes just never fully landed. It was resoundingly ok. There were some bright spots for sure but I don’t think it really ever found it’s footing. 

I’m not trying to downplay the issue but there’s not exactly a lot of republicans running that aren’t election deniers at this point. It’s basically their platform. 

I went recently and the biggest issue(s) for me were the lines and maintenance, which probably are closely intertwined. We also went at one point during one of the pandemic’s better points where it was at 50% capacity and honestly, even with all the masks and other covid precautions, it was the best visit I’ve

Last I saw (maybe 6 months ago?) it wasn’t doing well at all and Disney didn’t seem to know why. 

Getting a fusion is no joke and if it was multiple discs, she’s in for a rough recovery and I’m pretty sure it’ll give her issues for life. I helped care for my mom after like her 3rd/4th fusion and not an easy recovery and it takes a good few weeks before you can walk unassisted. Hope she sues the everloving fuck out

Can we stop pretending Wan is good at this already?

Let me get my tiny violin out for PS. This is just posturing/negotiating and trying to garner some good PR except PS is playing the exact game with their exclusives so it’s tough to feel any sympathy for them. 

It’s almost funny how wrong you are about your entire premise here. 

You don’t just chug the pumpkin foam first, you swirl your drink a bit to mix it with the cold brew. That said, it’s a superior drink to the standard PSL.