
**vigorous wanking motion**

TIl taco bell burritos are just mexican gogurts?

Yeah, unfortunately I haven’t seen it since and I can’t seem to find any proof it ever existed....

Way back in the day Round Table did an ultimate hawaiiaan that had canadian bacon, pineapple, bacon and mandarin oranges that rocked. The anti-pineapple on pizza crowd is just the same as the epic bacon chodes online in that they suck and should be ignored. 

Of course store bought isn’t the same. Doesn’t that basically apply to every product?

Pepto bismol dip? sign me up...

Not sure if I agree that habit > in n out but even aside from that they’re like 50% more expensive so it’s not a direct comparison imo.

Imagine thinking Biden is anything remotely close to a commie lol. 

Screw the arch deluxe, bring back the big n tasty!

Gamers stay the scum of the earth.


You’re not wrong but I’ve definitely noticed more recipes listing weights lately. 

Everyday there is a new crypto scam exposed and idiots just keep pumping money into it..

You know, I’m starting to think it’s not just a few bad apples....

You had me at Rhys Darby.

Please hollywood, stop trying to make josh gad a thing. 

I actually saw someone with a facehugger mask the other day and it even had a little tail dangling from the bottom lol.

This has to be the lamest attempt at cancelling someone I’ve ever seen. Calling her racist is a huge stretch and who gives a shit what she cooks? Every chef cooks things outside of their nationality/cuisine/etc. 

I recently visited some friends in Maine and we ate at a lovely italian restaurant where I got a “Pickle Rick”, which is just a dirty martini with their in house pickle brine. It was surprisingly subtle and I’m not a convert.

Loved this show initially but it got repetitive fast. Hopefully this new season can break out of that a bit.