Well I’m glad it’s not just me. I guess having your own house you’re more aware of your surroundings with your home than you would be living in an apartment.
Well I’m glad it’s not just me. I guess having your own house you’re more aware of your surroundings with your home than you would be living in an apartment.
I’m still a big green when it comes to caring for my cast iron but I have just a few small sticky-ish spots just on the rim of the pan. Is it really necessary to scrap this round of seasoning to fix it? The rest of the pan seemed to be doing pretty well and I’d hate to have to start over.
I’m in the Reno area. I had only seen a few here and there until I moved into my house and I’ve lived all of my life in NV. I don’t know what it is about black widows specifically but they just freak the be-jesus out of me. They’re huge and shiny and it freaks me out.
I’ve started taking on the “let them be” mindset when it comes to spiders around my home but I get a ton of black widows in my garage, specifically near the garage door opening. That wouldn’t necessarily be an issue if I didn’t have to worry about them making home near my workspace, tools, crates, etc. My wife is very…
That’s a good way to look at it and I never really had. It’s true though, I never had a 2nd thought about going into one after my time there.
I mean, that’s a broad brush to paint every restaurant with. When I worked at chili’s the margarita machines were cleaned nightly.
Dang. Shake machines have come a long way apparently. So is the heat cycle why the damn machines are down every night?
I worked at a Chili’s for 4-5 years through college and had a brief stint at BJ’s brewhouse. I can’t really say there’s much to be avoided. Maybe the shake machine at Chili’s but it’s still cleaned pretty regularly, I think it’s mostly just the mix that is gross. If anything people would probably just be disappointed…
He could use a smart co-host again. Between Kannell and Will Cain they’ve really shit the bed trying to find someone to line up across from him. He needs someone smart like SVP to kinda reel his douchebag side and Katie seems like a good candidate for that.
Thank you for this. Every time I click on one of those “Here’s how to make the best scrambled eggs ever” articles/videos they end up with what looks more like lumpy polenta than scrambled eggs. I don’t get why people have to complicate this kind of thing. People can disagree somewhat on the doneness of their eggs but…
I currently use an S8+ and google is offering 90 days of the free premium streaming service if that applies to anyone else. I’ve never been a huge spotify person but I’ll give both a try for now.
I’ve yet to try a watermelon beer that wasn’t flat out disgusting. I genuinely don’t get the appeal.
I like to bake but any recipe that involves cutting butter I always get utter dogshit results. The only thing in that realm I can pull off is pie crust, and that’s from that vodka recipe that seems pretty foolproof since you do most of the process in a food processor. It bums me out so much because very few baked…
Exactly. I’m happy to pay for decent liquor in my drink but at some point it just gets silly and doesn’t really benefit the drink itself.
I’m starting to get to the point where I think craft cocktails have jumped the shark for me. I don’t mind paying for a good cocktail but I was recently at a bar in SF where no cocktail was under $15 and even where I live (Reno) the prices are cruising past that $10 mark. Nothing really beats a well made cocktail but…
Maybe it’s people not understanding what mayo actually is but none of this seems crazy. Maybe it’s a texture thing for some people but honestly the mashed potato idea sounds really good.
Especially since a good chimichurri would go great with a steak cooked using that rub.
I like to do that with brussels sprouts but I usually do it in a sautee pan. But the caramelized sprouts with balsamic? oh man, one of my favorites for sure. I’ll have to try it with kale though, never tried roasting that.
My go-to for roasting veggies is drizzling a little balsamic in there for the last 5-10 minutes and tossing them in the delicious, now reduced glory that is left in the pan.
I mean, the only time I ever really worry about cleaning my sponge is if it starts to stink and I either go bleach or microwave. Either way I can’t imagine worrying that much about this, especially given they confirm it doesn’t really even matter and none of these scary germs/bacteria will hurt you.