lloyd stool

Not to nitpick, but I think it was actually a small screwdriver.

It's worth noting that when she committed those inexcusable crimes she was a severely traumatized girl EXACTLY PAIGE'S AGE. I wonder whether and when that's gonna dawn on Six Gun Lizzie.

Somebody get the dick cone, we need to save this guy's seed, just in case.

Me too. I used to know dozens of filthy jokes, but I drew a blank. It was humiliating. I spent the rest of the evening trying to remember them, just in case that ever happens to me.

I think Laurie is the nuttiest character on the show.

My brother had to be rushed to the hospital in 1958 after trying that with an old Electrolux.

Hell no. Consensual, like with the lionesses in California.

It reminded me of the famous (45 years ago, anyway) photo of nixon's secretary, Rosemary Woods, demonstrating how she accidentally erased the notorious "18 missing minutes" of the Nixon tapes. She was multi-tasking; could happen to anyone.

You just made me wanna Transition, man.

Well, since you asked, these questions almost always involve DOING something, e.g. choosing the death of the baby, vs. a somewhat vague or unknowable hypothetical. You HAVE to choose mercy for the baby. It's possible (though I'm sure in Nora's case it's more complicated) that Nora just gave the Wrong Answer.
BTW, let's

Maybe not, but I'm glad he did. Dake is ALMOST as good a character as Taylor in his utter geekiness. Beware a geek with power!

Possibly the best of the many insider movie jokes/references, even better than "This IS Sonny at the causeway."

Are we sure Taylor was aware of the real dirty stuff—-the poison—-and was cool with it? I had the impression that in her (their) scene w/ Brian towards the end her (their) conscience was genuinely clear (except perhaps for the 250K in her "gym" bag); that she had legally outsmarted them by doing the hidden analytics

This is as good a place as any to recommend Bruce Chatwin's "Songlines." It's one of those books, like Castenada's, that got me stoned just reading it.

…and An Honourable Woman, the mini series in which Maggie Gyllenhaal tries to save the world. I think she (LD) was the wicked head of MI-6 or something.

I think he tried to save him because he needed a ride.

She's always had that little mole. Sometime the light just catches it looking like something that might be contagious.

She's already getting the picture, and is an accomplished bargainer (the dentist thing). They're all but tripping over their, er…ties, to reel her in, and this very subtle actress is showing us how it's done. I'd love to see her in a spin-off as someone like Naomi Watt's spectacular Russian whore in St. Vincent. "Be

I wanted so bad for H's gal to be Stan's wife, and everyone's cool w/ it cuz it's, like, the 80's.

I can't believe they didn't just rip that camera open. (And ruin all of Oleg's shots of secretaries sunning themselves by the reflecting pool.)