lloyd stool

Editting? C'est fromage!

Do you have kids? KR's a new Mom, and she's got the thousand-yard-stare to prove it. Now THAT'S method acting.

I'll get hate mail for this, but I think they're unwittingly setting Paige up for a life like Deirdre's: constant complaining, waiting for a Mr. Right who doesn't exist, self-dramatizing as a default mode, and general pain in the ass to all who know her.

Yes, I do think The Dom suspects Chuck; that hand crush was no friendly gesture, even for a Dom. And George (MLP) breezily let on that she has connections in Silicon Valley, and the encryption wouldn't be a problem. There are some kick-ass women on this show.

Slightly off-topic, but this brief scene was the best work I've seen MLP do, and I'm a big fan. I think Weeds was a misstep for her; it was a mediocre show, and I got tired of her character's b.s. And yes, the shoe thing was the best piece of business on Billions all SEASON. The power she projected made even Wendy

Fuckin' ay.

My thought as well. He's a sharp cookie cutter, that Bryan. I foresee him rubbing Chuck's nose in that truffle shit at some point.

Go Wendy!

Strathiirn's role is pretty small (so far), but I can't recall ever seeing him better. He is a national treasure.

I bet he had a stiff neck the next day. Bad angle; he shoulda used an Assjack!

I know that the FOOD section of comments was a page or so up, but (referring to Philip's reaction to realizing he'd killed yet another innocent citizen) his closing the squeaky lid on the Big Mac was quite a moment. Especially after conjuring the image of the rotten bread during his painful sexual encounter w/ Ms.

Let's hear it for F. Murray for taking on the role of the nastiest prick since Mitch McConnell.

One of the reasons they broke up is that Saul finally realized that she's a hardcore materialist, oblivious to the stakes of Saul's vocation.

What bugged me there is that at least one of her doofus assistants didn't suggest that they call in a techie to see if the shot had been tampered with. It's one of those obvious things that can jam up your suspension of disbelief and throw the story off its rhythm.

Y'all can rag on Alexi for being an asshole, but he told the only joke I've heard in The Ams, and it was a good one: "Man says to grocer in empty store, 'I see you are out of fish'. Grocer says, 'No, we are out of meat; it's the store across the street that's out of fish' ."

I thought Andy Rooney was dead!

Not to be nitpicky, but the guy DID cop to breeding a previously non-existent Super Midge for the express purpose of "destroying wheat", as if it were kudzu or something. That's the beauty of Capitalism: you don't have to be in on the Big Plan, you're just innocently breeding bugs capable of destroying the world's

They seemed to be pretty down w/ the Soixant-Neuf (69) thing a few seasons back, so maybe it's less of an issue for them. Also (I actually read this, I swear) Commies were into anal for that very reason.

Granted. She literally says, "I don't care about the sex thing," but a while later (during the Special Technique session), she says, in effect, yeah, sex is gonna happen, but you should know that it's gonna fuck up your head beyond belief, so you'd better get this finger thing down, or we're all going to jail for

As a longtime practitioner of the "Irish Banjo" (the shovel), I have to finally say that I have never ONCE seen anyone use the tool properly on tv or in the movies. Not once. Elizabeth really let me down, I thought she'd be an expert.