lloyd stool

Tulip patching the titular holes was subtle and excellent.

I've seen the actor who plays Hitler in a few things. He's a sweet fuckup cop in an Aussie series called "Deep Water", streamable on Amazon/Acorn.

Re: Tulip: what's a sure cure for PTSD? Get off your ass and doing something useful, esp. for the benefit of others. She did a damn fine job on the patching, too. The girl knows her way w/ a drywall trowel. Negga is a goddess among us.

I beg your pardon: Charlotte the Harlot is a grand old tune, w/ versions from the Old West, Australia, and Eire (Cassidy's choice, of course…"the pride of old Eirin…"

I think the episode shoulda been titled, "…she didn't get it either."

"Tell him about the Twinkie."

Tell your wife to…ah, never mind.

Kudos for the Dickie mention.

When was the last time any of us sat, rapt, and listened to (a beautifully mixed, BTW) Green Onions? For us old bastards it's like the National Anthem.

I miss Sunny Jim.

I dunno: Lynch (or whoever) may have come up w/ a way of getting through to autistics. The "Clap-On" scene was truly poignant, as well as being hilarious. Sunny Jim knows his Dad's fucked up, but he's taking it well, and the delight on his face when he realizes they're actually COMMUNICATING, which heretofore has been

Yeah: some of the commenters seem to think that the Rabbi Nachman was just some random digression, but given his importance to a lot of people and his devotion to the Victims of Evil, it was actually a really PERTINENT digression, not just some weird old story. The B&W freeze-frame of the victims was awesome and

Olya will grow up to lead the Russian women's movement under Martha's tutelage. She will join Pussy Riot and get the Nobel for kicking PUTIN in his tiny little nuts.

Really. He's an angry, damaged kid. In a few years, he'll wander into a Tony Roberts seminar, walk on the coals, and go into commercial real estate.

Well, they're not. I'd bet Phil's Camaro on it. When Lizzie was scanning her closet, her brain split in two. "Well, this may be bourgeois shit, but it's REALLY GOOD bourgeois shit." She knows that if she goes back "home", she's looking at growing old in a housedress made from a flour sack.

Because the kvas wagon is the Rusky equivalent of the mail robot. They're makin' a list, and checkin' it twice.

Let's take a moment though and acknowledge what an incredible actor that kid is. He's going places, and I don't mean Harrisburg.

Maybe it's a Bardo type place, where you create your own reality, and Nora always wanted to be a cranky old lady with a modestly rewarding job (the doves.) and be left alone. She clearly resented (in real life) having to struggle to appear happy in an increasingly insane America.

Relax, it's just Varga, typing with his teeth.

Re: the Hitler thing: I was beside myself waiting for no-B.S. Gloria's first scene w/ Varga and she didn't disappoint. When V., w/ his usual casual b.s. omniscience, said there were 24 Hitlers, Gloria shoots back, "22." Game on, Gloria up one. You could see immediately that he was gonna kill her someday, but between