Lorem Ipsum

It's all cute and adorable until you sign the papers and find out that she actually comes with the house.

Man, no wonder it's so easy to start a cult.

I agree it's insiduous. And I don't like it. But I also think you can only go so far in legislating against human stupidity before you start to dangerously curtail individual freedoms. As long as everyone involved is an adult of reasonably sound mind, there's not much you can do. It's different when children are

Republican Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore


I can only attest to my own story and that is that I almost lost my man after a fight and then he said he never loved me and he would leave and pack his bags and also take the children so I said awesome, I could use the vacation. Then they left and for three months I ate freezer pizza whenever I wanted but it was only

Doesn't everything really come back to that age old question, which came first, the chicken or the rape apologist?

Fudge doesn't have eggs. Neither do bagels. #notallbakedgoods


yo UTIs are literally bacterial infections and you should not allow one to go on for a week untreated. I'm a big old hippie when it comes to home remedies and I use homeopathy whenever possible, but infections are serious and UTIs can very quickly spread to kidneys and limbs. ladies, go get antibiotics if you feel

Are you serious? I'm disappointed in YOU for not knowing who Q-Tip is.

How old are you?? Q Tip has been famous since the start of the 90s. Unless you're over 50 or uninterested in hip hop, you have no excuse. Or are you trolling?

Anna, I really like you as a member of the Jez team ... but reposting these pictures, even with the face blurred, is right up there with the kids who reshared it. I clicked the article not knowing they were here, and now I'm complicit in assaulting both of these young women all over again.

I understand you're trying to

Just curious why Jezebel chose to run the photos? It seems like all it accomplishes is revictimizing the young women who were assaulted.

WHY is Jez posting still frames from videos of assaults on teenage girls? Editing her face out is not good enough. Did you learn nothing from your Benghazi post?

What exactly is Jez's point to reposting these pictures on the article? It only revictimizes the women involved, as now the only way we know them are faceless female body parts being abused by men. I feel fucking sick, especially with everything else that's been going on recently. Get your fucking shit together.

The basic problem, for me, is that no one will share or praise this essay more enthusiastically then those same good white people. Which is a real difficulty with all kinds of radical critiques of privilege these days: no matter how direct they are in challenging every privileged person, they always end up being

Anecdata time, eh? Well, missus chritter and I broke up and got back together probably half a dozen times over a decade before the penny dropped. I guess we had issues we had to work through, but finally we both got tired of the ridiculousness and realized we couldn't seem to stay apart, so why not really make it