
I have never talked about this ordeal outside of my close family/friends. The fallout was almost more than I could stand at the time, but weirdly, I feel like keeping it to myself is actually worse. 4 yrs ago, when I was a very junior officer in the military, my commander would CONSTANTLY harass me and would

“Women should not have to face this, in the workplace, period.”

We’re all many things. You will always be able to point at a victim and accuse them of some deficiency because no one is perfect. But that’s how attackers keep getting away with it.

A request to Jezebel writers/reporters: it would be most helpful for you to speak to several attorneys specializing in workplace harassment cases about what kinds of evidence to gather and generally how to proceed, then report back to the Jezebel community. Those involved in such situations already should still

The DNC won’t clean house so yeah probably eight

In Trump’s America, this shit is only going to get worse; more frequent and more brazen.

Women who are harassed in the workplace should simply “find another job”

I’m really happy to hear her speak out and also for following up on the interviewer’s discomfort about being ‘that girl’. Women being harassed everywhere, including the workplace, is ubiquitous and I think everyone needs to acknowledge that fact.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. I watched my mother, one of the few women executives in the sixties, endure constant sexual harassment, less than equal pay for equal work and ultimately job termination because she had (and survived breast cancer). I’m looking at you Allied Chemical. Carlson, as

But she does emphasize the importance of collecting evidence when deciding to bring a suit against a harasser, encouraging women to document instances of abuse as they arise in order to build a strong case.

One could draw the conclusion that those who vote Republican aren’t the sharpest pencils in the pack, are they?

Really? I don’t think so. Trump supporters are just *waiting* to have someone do something like that so they can play victim some more. And besides, it takes an especially evil person to spit in someone’s food/drink.

I’m familiar with the specifics of this—including the Snopes article, and while I’ll grant you that there did not have to be a public funeral, my takeaway is that a decision on burial or cremation by a funerary (that’s what it is, right?) be specified. If you hold that a fetus you have terminated is not, in fact, a

The whole idea of “draining the swamp” and electing someone like Trump is to pull away the velvet curtain from politics and insert some common sense and get things done without cronyism or backroom deals. To automatically give Pence respect because of his (future) job flies in the face of that.

Texas snuck this exact thing in, not as a law, but as a rule through the Texas Dept of Health and Human Services, so the Representatives don’t even get to vote on it.

Don’t forget that as governor of Indiana—THIS FUCKING YEAR—he signed a bill (thankfully thrown out by a human being of a judge) that would require women to hold funerals for fetuses not carried to term. HE’S A MONSTER!

I like the Times normally, but this is dumb. If this guy was an open racist, would we be opposed to booing him every time he was in public? No, nor should we be. Hating gays is no different. This guy deserves.

I don’t know what you think you did, but me and mine don’t deserve any of this. And neither did those who threw away their votes in protest, even if they don’t realize it yet. Make it right in 2018 y’all. Quick question to all of us professionals and business owners: what are you going to do with your inevitable

Pay attention to him: he’s going to be the guy pulling the strings. Trump can’t hold his attention on anything, so of course all the real work is going to get done by Pence.