
To be fair, they’ve always been pretty shady.

I didn’t think the CIA had it in them to be so salty. Bless.

There was a movie where Ryan Gosling played a formerly orthodox? Jew turned Neo-Nazi, and his character also goes off on an unhinged rant about how “Jewish women are obsessed with oral sex.” It’s so great how every type of bigotry also has cool, misogynistic subplots

Man. Everyone is really hung up on your Jew mouth sucking some dicks. They don’t like you though. Icky vag! Just let’s write more about sucking on that dick. Not that they want you to but you know, maybe if they keep mentioning it...?

Ah, lovely time for us Members of the Tribe no?

If it helps to put it in context, these people believe that interracial relationships are “white genocide” and that getting kicked off of Twitter is the same as physical death.

No shit. Americanski Prezident Donald Fredovich Trumputin will do a great job. He didn’t mean any of those things he said. He only had to say those things because Crooked Hillary made him. His supporters aren’t racist either as all those emails prove.

I love love LOVE the idea these morons have that Trump will bring back small-scale, inefficient manufacturing to rural and exurban America!

It is super ironic that the narrative is now shaping up that apparently liberals’ desires to prevent racism on college campuses so triggered Real America (tm) that the working classes who hadn’t been to college fled into the warm safe arms of Daddy Trump....

Clearly they are being paid by Hillary Clinton to make Trump supporters look bad...

Well, two of them thought about it and concluded that TURD was a really nice thing to say in order to burn someone, so at this point maybe a piece of paper with the word boobs and a piece of gum would be enough for them.

Asked for comment, the President Elect said “Stop it. If it helps. I will say this right to the computer screen. Stop it.”

Ashley, I think it’s really unfair of you to post this. It’s pretty clear that these 1,041,191 emails, tweets, and letters don’t really represent Trump supporters in any way but are an anomaly. So your plan to try to trick us into thinking our God Emperor Trump isn’t an amazing, the best President ever, to be, is just

Have you tried explaining how you’d bring their jobs back? That’s apparently all these people want.
That and open, honest discussion.
Right? Right???
*Cries blood*

Do you think the writers at conservative blogs get such poorly written hate mail?

“Sent from somewhere over the rainbow”

Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.

You Shitti Farty Dirty Nasty Jude Bitch!

Fun fact: $18 million in NYC is worth the exact same amount as $18 million in DC, or Montana or anywhere. Namely: $18 million.