
I wouldn’t say being “brave” is the same thing as not being scared or enjoying being scared. You can act bravely even if you are scared. In fact, if you aren’t scared at all, how are you being brave? I think scary movies are more to do with whether we find that adrenaline thrilling or unpleasant.

Horribly OT, but Hilary Duff is 5'2". Hilary Duff is not “statuesque”, Daily Mail guy! How do you get paid to write?

Ugh, with Jeb! out of the news I thought I was going to be safe from political second-hand embarrassment. Guess not.

I KNOW RIGHT??? What is wrong with him?!


Ah, the “inner cities.” We know what that dog whistle means.

Alaska is great...still Team Katya though :(

Prolactinoma? Mine started when I was in my mid-twenties but it was still an awkward conversation to have.

Oh, you poor, poor sap. The American people don’t want an “intellectual approach.”

I’m still waiting for an article on Mike Huckabee’s weird interview where he literally said that Hillary was JAWS and Trump was Quint. OK maybe not as important as assault allegations...OK not at all, I’m just biased because I love sharks and I love JAWS and has he even seen that movie??

It’s OK, we know they’re little buttheads, but we like them anyway :)

Wow. I’ve never seen Carson so angry and animated as when he’s saying that assaulting women “doesn’t matter.” Also like how he’s framing it as being immoral instead of, you know, ILLEGAL?

OH HE DID NOT JUST INSULT KINDERGARTEN TEACHERS. I am one, and I can unequivocally say that put him in a room with 30 barely-older-than-toddlers and this weasel would get EATEN ALIVE. It is one of the hardest jobs in the world. It requires absolutely bottomless dedication, patience, selflessness, energy, hard work,

Um, that was not only not satire, and not only offensive and gross. But it wasn’t even funny! Stop trying to be funny, O’Reilly Factor! The jokes you chuckle about in your office are NOT funny to the rest of the world! Also they are racist, FYI.

I can’t even joke about this. Who thinks like that? She was a LITTLE GIRL. *rage stroke*

THIS. No wonder he gets so annoyed that we’re all not more grateful to him! :/

Family values, folks.

For someone who keeps saying ‘it’s not about me,’ almost all of his statements are about himself, his feelings, his actions, his role as saviour of black people and apparently Aboriginal Australians as well.

This is adorable. It’s important for kids to learn how to take risks in a safe environment or they won’t know how to avoid them in real life.