
This guy. What. An. Idiot.

Things like this make glad I live in the UK.

This guy really upsets me. I feel like he selects has victims in a really calculated way, so that they will not be taken seriously. Either he picks ‘disliked’ celebs like Kim so that he can say, ‘oh I was just taking her down a peg, like we’d all like to do, amirite?’ Or he picks big stars like Brad Pitt so he can

George smiles near the end of the video and I am sure it’s the first time I’ve seen that kid smile! No snark, I think he’s adorable.

I would be so happy if during the debate they had to perform this as a two person play.

The sad thing is that she is just saying more bluntly what Fox et al have been saying in more coded ways for years. But she went too literal so she had to be pushed out.


Professional good-natured dork would be a great job for me. Except no, as a hard-core introvert, I couldn’t handle the paparazzi. That would be a nightmare.

pneumonia is surprisingly good easy to get when you are run down and working all the time. My mother got ‘walking pneumonia’ once, just from travelling a lot.

“waving his arms and sounding stupid”

*raises hand* I’m one of them! SO EXCITED FOR BAKE OFF YOU GUYS!

I’m not sure that Mike Pence’s face is actually physically capable of conveying true enjoyment.

That’s a relief. There were some very concerning rumours earlier in the year that there would be no shirtlessness in this season.

I hope as she becomes more famous that Leslie Jones won’t ever become jaded or feel like she has to play it cool, like many other celebrities. She’s so refreshingly honest about her feelings.

She was SO into him. I think it’s actually pretty romantic, when you think about it, because with all her privilege, the odds of Victoria getting to marry for love were pretty slim. But she made it happen.

Honestly, just because gluten free has become a fad and there are some annoying fakers out there, doesn’t mean we should basically point and laugh at anyone who is gluten free. I know a guy who gets hives when he eats shellfish, so he doesn’t eat it. Should I make fun of him? Do we make fun of people with dairy

Ugh, I just have so much trouble reading stories about Jeb! anymore. The second-hand embarrassment is too strong.

Well, she is not really, really old or anything, and frankly I would rather not think that there is anything wrong with my mother. It all started, ironically, when she was a Hillary supporter in ‘08 and was really mad about how Obama’s campaign treated her (not saying they did anything terrible, just your usual

I’m sorry you’re going through this. It took me a long time to reconcile the idea that my mom, who I love so much and was a longtime environmentalist Democrat, is now a raving Trump fan. Eventually I just had to tell myself that she is old, the world is scary right now, and she’s just looking for someone who will tell

Except the sentence structure of Trump’s original statement (if you can call it a “sentence” with “structure”) CLEARLY states that “second amendment people” can do something IF Clinton “gets to pick her judges”. So it can’t have anything to do with not voting for her.