
Also Ming-Na Wen!

I don’t know, stalking is stalking no matter how quirky the set-up or how annoying the victim is.

This would be 50% less gross and awkward if he had motioned her over with an open hand. Don’t crook your fingers at people, guys. It’s never not rude.

Expat here. Can confirm. People always want to ask me to explain Trump. It’s really embarrassing.


“Confused” is too charitable. He sounds like an idiot and a misogynist.

Wow, I didn’t know that not being a sex criminal was so hard! How did I manage it all these years without Bill Cosby to explain it to me?

To say “part of me is giggling” is not only infuriating on behalf of everyone who could be hurt or killed by the decisions of this administration, but it also represents everything that is bizarre and incomprehensible about the new troll voting bloc. At the end of the day, I understand the people who are just plain

Ah yes, the ACA was “imposed on our country,” but what they are doing with Trumpcare is...different...somehow.

That’s amazing. I could never have been that brave at 12 years old.

Ah yes, those mysterious “ocean waters and this environment that we live in.” If only we knew the cause of these changes!

Sharks are great and I respect them...but I also love shark movies and I will watch any shark movie ever.

Wow, that exchange between Powers and Miller was just so telling. I bet all women have had more than one conversation like that.

The T-Rex from Jurassic Park is a feminist icon, and clearly the protagonist of all four films. Time after time she saves the lives of the puny humans, and few ladies have gotten movie ending hero shots like she does.

It’s like a microcosm of the self-destruction and willfull ignorance of the US.

If Trump is like Prince John, then which of his advisors/enablers/babysitters are the sheriff and Sir Hiss?

This is actually a pretty scary result. The Conservatives are bad, but they aren’t religious wingnut social conservative bonkers bad, and that’s what the DUP are. As an expat American, I thought I was safe from those kind of people here! And now I’m not not worried about the NHS, but also my religious and


I think calling them “abortion sanctuary cities” is really worrying. As of now anyway, abortion, and other forms of contraception, are LEGAL in the United States. More accurate to call them “actually enforcing non-discrimination laws cities.”

Yikes. I’m a teacher, and we don’t even use words like ‘naughty’ or ‘bad’ to the children (to their faces, anyway, in the staff room it’s another story!), because kids really internalise that stuff. You can still give criticism without resorting to labels.