If no harm is intended, how come “mistakes” like these never happen in reverse? Why doesn’t the redhead turn into a black woman too if all they want to do is show their product works on everyone? Anyways why wouldn’t it work for everyone, it’s soap.
I’m loading up my fanny pack with dog cookies to hand out to Good Dogs (all dogs), so I’ll join in when I can find y’all. Let me pee one last time and grab my cardigan!
I worked in advertising (I no longer do because it’s evil and adds nothing of value to the world but I digress), and an ad like that by a huge company like Dove (or the parent company Unilever) goes through a LOT of people. This was not a handful of tone deaf idiots, this was a lot of tone deaf idiots. Baffles the…
Everyone likes to tease me about my giant bag, but no one complains when I have extra water, snacks, sunscreen, and bandaids. Be prepared!
Hey, wait up! I just saw your comment. Hope I’m not too late to join you guys.
Everyone should use the bathroom one last time. Can we stop for hot drinks when we’re done?
“The Bunny Ranch and the Bunny Ranch girls are anxious for O.J.’s visit...”
Bob Corker mostly. (Corker went on NPR last week to explain why he wouldn’t vote for Trump’s Tax Travesty unless it could be fixed to not add to the deficit.
Everyone is welcome. But we’re leaving in exactly 20 minutes or this will just become a huge production, and we’ll never get out the door.
Yes: somebody has been hired to make sure a brothel is worthy of O.J. Simpson.
Welcome to the Darkest Timeline DirtBag. FFS that was dark. I may not be able to choke down my brioche frenchtoast and matcha lattes now.
O.J. Simpson, back to haunt the free world, has allegedly requested a Nicole Brown look-a-like at the Bunny Ranch,…
Is this real life? Jesus. I thought being shocked was something only for the PT (pre-Trump) era.
Rape is not about consent. It is about asserting power over someone else.
I’ve also reached the point of being sick of men, too. Yes, I said it!
Rumors persist that Shakira and Gerard Piqué, Shakira’s longtime hot boyfriend and baby daddy (also a famous soccer…
I feel ya, Rich. But some of us find very few sex scenes at all sexy. So I can see where he was erring on the side of caution (if he was erring).