
Camillie, I mean this in an eye opening way. Go to the Doris duke digital collection on Americana West oral history collections at the Marriott Univ of Utah library and just listen to what the ranchers of the 1910s through 1950s had to say about the Utes around Salina, Utah. It’s heartbreaking and enraging. It’s on

I’m glad to hear the doctrine has changed since I was last in church in the early 90's. I was raised in the church and was taught on multiple occasions with flip charts and other visual aids, that in order to attain the Celestial Kingdom with the presence of God, you needed the Priesthood. As a woman, the only avenue

I can speak to my personal experience being raised as Catholic, which is a bit of a different flavor, but no less severe. My mother came from a devout Catholic family. I suspect both of my parents were just horny 20ish people and so they had a Catholic wedding in a small town. I was born before their first

My favorite is that the worst of Hell is not reserved for the Hitlers and Pol Pots of the world; it’s just for people who used to be Mormon. While my parents console themselves by telling me a “... full knowledge of the gospel” implies some level of Mormondom I never attained, so I still qualify for the mediocre

Any idiot with any idea of Mormonism knows how harmful and disgusting this religion is. I point blank asked a bishop about Heaven once, and if my animals will be there. This lead to a discussion about souls and such, of course. The good news is, the majority of them believe that animals, all animals, will be in the

And what is the lactose intolerant, hypertensive person supposed to eat? Not milk, and certainly not a bunch of canned bullshit. What about food allergies, vegetarians, people who don’t eat the “typical” American diet and want to eat their own ethnic recipes? Oh, I know: Fuck them, that’s what. This is so bleak and

I have a special hatred for those YouTube videos of people accosting SNAP users outside grocery stores for buying stuff like steak or whatever that person decided to treat themselves to that day. I get that steak is an indulgence, but as indulgences go it’s pretty cheap.

Tried that. The cult says tough shit, the grunts in the military don’t deserve to eat. Their loyalty lies only in the orange tinted jebus clone.

Seriously, I always wonder where these people live that see so many people handing over food for hard drugs. Like, is this happening right outside your window? Are you the drug dealer? Are you just watching Fox news and taking their word for it?

Creating a huge beauraucracy especially designed to make life harder for poor folks is a GOP core value.

How will they make sure the foods are fresh?

I love the small, locally owned groceries that sell discounted bags of slightly bruised fruit or overripe bananas (perfect for banana bread). I used to buy those from a coop when I was a grad student. So much better than large chains that throw perfectly good food away when people could use it.

Is it though, at it’s center? As a legal aid attorney who works with welfare recipients, I see two problems with SNAP.

There is just so so much wrong with this plan.... Logistically, how are you going to ensure the right box gets to the right family? That it won’t get damaged, stolen, that animals won’t get to it? Are the contents of the boxes going to through the same FDA process to make sure they’re safe? Are they really?? How will

I worked in a grocery store through college (where I met Mr. Penguin). I remember the women on food stamps using every coupon, every rebate, every possible trick in the book to stretch their food dollar just so they could make it to the end of the month.

I wonder if this is really going to happen. It sounds good to the conservatives and their indecent unkind voters.