
I’d rather they focus on the affair between the wife and Kate Winslet. The wife is played by...um, Thandie Newton! Yeah, that’s the ticket! And Idris plays her two-timing husband! He’s a scoundrel! And one evening, Thandie and Kate share a bottle of wine. And a night of passion! It’s EROTIC! And afterwards, lying in

Our tears are free fallin’? OUR... TEARS... are free...FALLIN’?!?!?!?

The bigger question is why is he wearing those shoes? Why does he even own them at all, I can’t think of a thing they would go with, even the simplest brown suit. Did Ivanka design them?

This isn’t even disagreement about policy. This is people just straight up believing bullshit.

It’s actually an amazing movie way ahead of it’s time. The people who wrote it we’re angry about the downfall of grunge and how it was taken over by industry created singers and groups. It’s up there for me with Dick (about Nixon).

I saw it as his heirs on the right in proper order with Donald Jr. sitting in the big boy chair, ivanka at the Melania support side and Eric in the, “Nobody likes me cause I’m Tiffany 2!” pose. The left side is just family and inconsequential.

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Perhaps her future husband can persuade her to move to the US?

But these people only have the average American’s best interests in mind. These are the people who will drain the Washington swamp, get rid of elitists and fight Wall Street. These are the people who will restore the great American Middle Class.

Just like in War of the Worlds it’s the little things that can bring something down. Like, say, an “administration” where everybody’s middle name is “Corrupt As All Fuck” and last name is “Stupid As A Box Of Hair-Worthington The III.”

I’m here for this header photo

This is what running the government like a business is. The people at the very top using it as their piggy bank while fucking over everyone else


It’s almost like Trump’s cabinet is filled with grifters and thieves.

What a goddam delight! There’s no other way to describe that piece of heaven!

Getting Harrison Ford to not seem totally curmudgeonly in an interview is a rare talent. I’ll definitely be seeking out Alison hammond from now on!

Her laugh is giving me what I need to get through this day.

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Very important Alison Hammond content from her UK DWTS appearance