
I weigh 135 pounds and I’m around 5'9. I didn’t feel more or less like a goddess when I was 20 pounds heavier or when I was 15 pounds lighter. The “I like myself” comes from within. You are beautiful.

Lmfao. Pretty people don’t use public transportation??? What?

Actually, one of the models featured is decidedly plus-sized. It’s a little weird that she appears to be the only one out of a dozen or so, but she’s there. There are two shots of her in this clip, at 39 and 44 seconds, respectively:


Yugoslavian farmers, man. You needed kids to help run the farm and contraception was hard to come by even if you knew enough to want it. Two didn’t survive past infancy.

From micro-aggressions to terrorism, you guys built the blueprint for this shit.

You’re right. I meant prevent the enormous harms of DJT. Black women are generally pragmatic. A “mold breaker” candidate has to be status quo because their identity already brands them as an outsider.

Yeah, don’t think calling 75% of your customers entitled, clueless racists is the best marketing ploy. Or saying your employer is full of crap for giving you a job. But kudos to her for standing up for what she believes in. I think my employer (and many of our clients) is pretty clueless and evil too, but food’s gotta

Further into the video after she is in the car, another cop who I assume is a supervisor is explaining to the nurse how its no big deal if the cops break the law and take the blood illegally, that there are civil remedies for afterwards that will fix the situation, that if the cops broke the law anything that comes

“after refusing to violate hospital policy”

He’ll also use it as a regular “talking point” in his next 6-7 “rallies”. “I gave a million dollars of my own money to help the good people of Texas...but I don’t like to talk about it! I didn’t see Hillary donate any of those Goldman-Sachs speaking fees!”

Jesus - when she sobs ‘why is he so angry’ is heartbreaking. His hands are actually on her and no one around her is able to stop him. She’s totally vulnerable, he’s unstable and everyone is helpless to prevent him from forcing her into his car. How absolutely terrifying.

2020 campaign funds.

The nurse is charged with Obstructing Justice. The police had no warrant, they did not place the man under arrest, and the man did not consent. She was arrested for doing her job, and they are abusing their positions. What kind of messed up world is this? The police want respect, then respect others. I hope she and

Trump doesn’t donate. He has only ever given other people’s money to charity, and even then a lot of it seems to find its way to his pockets.

And consider that he offered $5 million to anyone who could find records proving Obama wasn’t born in the US.

My sister is a nurse practitioner. Her job is very difficult, stressful and at the same time she finds it rewarding because she saves children’s lives every day. I cannot express how angry this story makes me and I only wish his firing is the least of the repercussions he will face.