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I’ll just bury this down here for you to imbibe at your leisure

Yay Noel Fielding!

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I’m torn. Look what they’ve done with Noel Fielding. #sad

good to know. i will miss mel and sue and mary, but i would still want to be able to watch it here in the states because it’s just so nice to watch a reality show where the competitors are nice to each other and the judges are not shrieking canned catchphrases. plus baked goods!

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Here’s an opportunity to remind everyone that Chloe Bennet (Wang) had a pop hit in China! I have included both the Chinese and English version of the videos!

I grew up in the Pacific Northwest in the late 80's. My father is Chinese and my mother is white. The city I grew up in was a recruitment center for the Neo-Nazi skinhead movement out of Idaho. POC were being attacked just walking down the street. My parents told me to never tell a stranger my obviously Asian last

I literally HATE that I understand this. IRL, face to face, I own who I am- a type 2 albino Black woman married to a Chinese man. My name and face don’t match & my pigment & features don’t match- I confuse the fuck out of people. I don’t care though.

She is awesome. Not the least of which is because she’s a big part of the reason why the first season of SHIELD wasn’t a total failure — it was such a mess. And that was in spite of being handed a cliche of a character she had to make believable, which she managed to do beautifully.

A lot of my immigrant friends have a corresponding “white” equivalent name because it really does seem to help in the workplace, whether it’s to land the job in the first place or just to make climbing the ladder easier. My sister is Amy at work and Amina to us (not that big of a change), but she did notice it became

Hate crimes in Los Angeles against Asians (specifically, Chinese) has increased because of Trump. It’s really disheartening. It’s just going to get worse.

As an Asian person: sadly, I don’t have to. It’s... not pretty. Being told to “go home, c***k!” at 7 years old is not something anybody should have to hear.

Long, long history of that in Hollywood. Huge numbers of actors had to change their names to get famous, both for racist reason (their name was very “ethnic” and Hollywood hates that) or because their name was hard to pronounce. For example, for Jews, you’ve got Marilyn Monroe = Norma Jean Mortensen, Kirk Douglas =

So zooming out to a wider — and sadder — perspective: if it’s this bad in Hollywood, can you imagine what it’s like in the rest of America?

Also missed my favorite line:

As an ABC (American-born Chinese), I 100% believe it that her name change improved her chances of being chosen for a role. There is still a disturbing amount of racism aimed at Asians in the US.

You missed the killer line: