
And his meeting with Governor Abbott:


The President* of the United States:

But... but... he tells it like it is! He’s going to run the country like a business! He’s going to bring back coal jobs! He’s more of an advocate for [insert disenfranchised group] than anyone else! Umm... e-mails! Benghazi? Abortions?

Mirrors work better for some people than for others.

I just wish there was some way e could have known before the election.

Oh my God this man is President.

That whole story just floored me. Really? He has to disown bathrobes to prove himself?

It’s really been a surprise, hasn’t it? I mean who in their right mind could have seen this coming a year ago.......

Excuse me, but Trump has unequivocally denied that he owns a bathrobe:

Here’s my hot take prediction: at least two actors will win Oscars for playing Trump within the next 20 years. And what performances they will be! He’s truly the Henry VIII of our time (or Richard Nixon, for that matter).

I don’t know, guys...I’m starting to think maybe we have a commander-in-chief with the temperament of a petulant child.

So how long will it be until it’s only he and the kids, all wandering around an otherwise empty White House in their bathrobes, still trying to figure out how to turn the lights on?

“President fires Sun and Moon after more people turn out to watch eclipse”

If he is telling the truth about not knowing then he deserves mad props. I mean roles aren’t exactly falling into Ed Skrein’s lap like some of the others you listed. So that means something.

Good riddance. It worked out real well for them the first time.

Wait, people really say they’re a Texan first? Are they the same people who scream about disrespecting the flag, or Colin Kaepernick disrespecting the anthem?

The original pic was shared in a public Facebook post from the daughter of the nursing home owner/manager. She was pleading for help. And what were half of the comments? People insisting that the picture was fake.

I live in Texas and I have for several years. I have family in Houston. My family in Corpus have evacuated. Now, many fellow Texans speak about how much of the affected areas are democratic and we shouldn’t punish them for being part of a hateful state. That may well be the case but then we (Texans) should cut the