I know, right? Why do all these guys who think they have superior genes always have eyes so close together you could poke them out with one finger?
Trump already has his pardon pen in hand for this fine young piece of Nazi boyhood.
Don’t forget infantilizing him and economic anxiety.
It needs to be stressed that this wouldn’t have happened without crowd-sourcing his identity. The Cville police have made no effort to investigate these people. Every single arrest has come only because private citizens have identified these people and assembled evidence themselves.
Dude has too much head for his face, or not enough face for his head.
The Master Race® strikes again! Look at that little piggy nose! tee-hee
So how long before he appears in court wearing glasses and a preppy haircut while his lawyers talks about childish mistakes, poor upbringing, and not wanting to ruin a young life, leading to a most likely White jury clearing him of charges?
An arrest has finally been made in the brutal attack of Deandre Harris that occurred during the Unite the Right…
He’s certainly said worse. But there’s something awfully flippant about the thumbs up “good luck!” comment as he swans off to his safe retreat. How about “follow evacuation orders, stay safe, do the right thing, keep your families close..” This wasn’t a damn football game.
Exactly the way it was in the Bible.
I live in Texas, I am safe. I am telling you your feelings are completely understood. I am in the same boat.
Just remember we are victims of horrific gerrymandering that has kept republicans in power.
I want to say fuck Texas, but then I think of all the people in the areas hardest hit who likely had nothing to do with our country’s current destruction. Meanwhile, Professor Swan’s paternal family (from whom he is now more or less permanently estranged) are safe and comfortable in their all-white exclusive inland…
He and the sheriff’s department have been sued ad nauseum. Millions and millions of dollars in settlement and jury verdicts have been paid out. His fans don’t care. He doesn’t pay it. The deputies don’t pay it. The taxpayers pay it.
So far in Maricopa County, we’re at $114 million in lawsuits, misconduct investigations, and settlements that were brought about under Arpaio’s leadership of the MC Sheriff’s Office.
Surely there is at least one angry billionaire who could secretly bankroll civil suits against Joe Arpaio.