Oh sweet baby Jesus. How did I not know this existed?! I have all of these ingredients on hand and am going to make this TONIGHT. Bless you, internet stranger.
Oh sweet baby Jesus. How did I not know this existed?! I have all of these ingredients on hand and am going to make this TONIGHT. Bless you, internet stranger.
Ah, my dear, your life is about to get better!
This person seems like a nightmare, but i can totally relate to his desire to eat some parm straight. It is salty, nutty deliciousness. Whenever I’m grating some for a dish I’m making I always have to grate twice as much as I need because I cannot resist eating it as I’m grating.
I know nothing about this human, but any lover of cheese and spaghetti can’t be all bad. It reminds me of when people would make fun of Megan on Mad Men for always cooking spaghetti for Bobby and Sally: I was all that is my dream menu! I’d eat at Megan’s every night!
He is a garbage person, but I cannot guarantee anyone’s safety when I’m around some good cheese.
Miu Miu is pulling merchandise that featured a yellow star patch after people complained it looked like the yellow…
What... are those pants? What year is this? I hope they tear-away.
Kim Kardashian’s personal complimenter Jonathan Cheban—the God of Food—dined out in Beverly Hills, where he forked a…
She’s been married 3 times. I looked at her Wikipedia page and it looks like she dropped hubby #1 for hubby #2, then divorced him a year later. Seems smart /s
All aboard....
No worries, I’ll say it for you.. She’s a coon, Homecoming Coon if you feeling fancy, she woke up this morning and had a bowl of coon flakes. Fuck her
Dear Stacey Dash:
I taught my wife (Who has been a stranger to violence her entire life) to punch to the diaphragm, then when they double over hit them over their shoulders with both arms and drive them down. Once they’re down, I tell her, kick them “like a pinata, until candy comes out. Just keep angry kicking”.
This is how you do it. You see this shit and you shut it down.
Most people also don’t really know what it feels like to take a punch and are totally shocked by it. That’s why most real fights are over in seconds. Whoever lands the first really solid hit wins.
Yep, it’s called indexing. If you don’t really know how to fight but have to, grabbing your opponent with one hand and just throwing the same punch (I’d recommend a jab) repeatedly is a pretty good way to go. If you’re not trained and full of adrenaline, it is remarkably hard to land a punch, this improves your odds.…
Honestly this is what it’s going to take. While I don’t condone violence, it’s going to take white people calling out other white people on this shit. Also this is a classic case of don’t let your million dollar mouth write a check you 2 cent ass can’t cash.