
I’m sorry I’m confused. Are you saying she’s not a thing and therefore having her and her girlfriend’s nude photos published without her consent also not a thing? Or are you just generally describing your dislike for her completely separate of that. Genuinely curious.

This isn’t the kind of post for you to pop off. Multiple women and some men had their privacy violated in a horrible way because some asshole decided to illegally hack their phones. It speaks volumes that some asshole 4chan type thought that it was okay to break the law and do this shit for the fourth or fifth time

Literally who cares about your opinion re: her acting ability/persona/how attractive she is (wtf???)

Yea.... like maybe this isn’t the post to share your dislike towards Kristen Stewart.... that person sounded like an asshat.

Hey she’s also a human who had her privacy violated in a massive way, so maybe this isn’t the place for your personal critiques of her job performance.

I’m sure this wasn’t OP’s intention, but this is the type of internalized misogyny that allows people to believe that sluts can’t be raped and such.

Yeah, fuck her for wanting to go after people who published hacked naked photos of her, right?

I counter your opinion with mine. She is actually a great actress (see Personal Shopper and Clouds of Sils Maria among others), is hot as fuck, and is a super interesting public figure. You can’t teach taste, so I won’t bother trying to convince you otherwise. :)

I’m not sure if matters whether someone has been nude in other situations when it comes to the emotional impact. It’s a personal picture, not a posed one. I think I’d be pretty update if someone took my birthday party or vacation pictures and turned them into memes circulated on the internet, even though I’m fine with

It’s not just about the age - it’s about being in a position of trust around a minor. In the UK age of consent is 16, but 18 for both if one is in a position of trust, which I’d argue was the case here. He’s as bad as an abusive teacher or football coach, abusing his position in the industry to access these young

Fame, poverty, lack of love at home, money, seduction, peer pressure, poor self esteem, I can go on...

When a young guy rapes someone he ‘was just being a kid’ and ‘it shouldn’t ruin his life’ because kids are young and dumb, but when a young girl falls prey to a predatory rich and famous pedophile, she ‘should have known better’ and she clearly made a well-reasoned ‘decision’.

Oh, I can’t tell you how many people. Let’s just say I’ve had to dismiss an unbelievable number of horrible comments. Let’s just say they weren’t here to be pedantic. They were here to be ugly. Of course there aren’t any states I am aware of that the age of consent is younger than 16 and this girl was 15. So, it

As others are surely pointing out, the age of consent actually varies. However, there’s no situation where a grown man can have sex with underage teens appropriately, imo.

I was also 15 and it was with another high school girl that was the same age. Doesn’t change the fact that a grown adult cannot legally have sex with a minor though. We can spend all day talking about the morality of the situation. We as a culture have made the conscious decision to make sex between a grown up and

When a guy running for Atlanta mayor recently called on them to re-review the case, the police demurred, and there was a shocking number of people on this or a sister site who regarded the candidate as an opportunist and the police’s refusal to move forward as a justified fait accompli.

She alleges that most sexual encounters with Kelly were filmed without her permission,

I’m starting to think this R. Kelly fellow might not be a good guy.

Just as a reminder to the trolls. If you are under 18, you do not have the ability to give consent. Even if a teenager says yes, that is not okay in the eyes of the law (or decent people). That is all.