
The sense of community created by non-scumbags at shows can be one of the most incredible feelings. I was at a metal show at a tiny, packed club when I was 18 and this dude kept “accidentally” groping me. I tried to move away without losing my view of the stage, but I was right at the edge of a mosh pit too (which I

A LOT of the emo and pop punk concerts I went to as a teenager made statements like that. It was a huge deal, especially at Warped Tour when people tended to be wearing fewer clothes overall. I hear a lot of jokes about how much some of these bands suck, but it was nice as a teenage girl for a dude to recognize that

Ronson is a solid producer. That should be an interesting album!

I think DiCaprio has some charisma that doesn’t translate well to still photos, but I don’t get the other one. Even back in the Alias days, I was all, “I am OK with Fake Francie because you don’t really deserve Real Francie, even though Real Francie was super up her own butt.”

YES! Call that asshole out. I was at a Queens of the Stone Age show some years ago (also in The Netherlands) and Josh Homme stopped a song to call out a man who was bothering women in the crowd (I forget what he was doing but one can guess). He refused to resume playing until the guy left. That’s the way to deal with

oh I’ll just say it. Neither of these men is attractive. I do not get the appeal. Chuck and Linus are cuter.

Good grief.

“Don’t ask why I’m posting these. Just enjoy them.” I actually hate creepy paparazzi shots like this. I get that being famous invites people’s curiosity, but skulking around someone’s private house taking pictures of them on their porch is creepy.

“I will protect her.”

I mean, I thought that was all agreed upon that he fucked up in a major way (pretty sure it was over the affair and possibly talking to the women at the MET gala), Solange beat his ass, and Beyonce believed he deserved it. Because she was all like “don’t mess up my dress” and then left the party with her sister, not

I think this was their one disagreement ever because Jay Z learned to never disagree with her again.

I’ve already posted on Facebook reminding everyone to look directly into the sun today.

And Trumpling will make sure he spends time with Omarosa, because they have a lot in common.

I interned at a movie theatre chain that did red carpet movie premieres in Manhattan and LL came to every single one. No matter how silly the movie, he and usually his wife and kids, were in attendance. I’m convinced that he would come to the opening of an envelope.


the only confirmed attendee is LL Cool J