
About as thoughtful as you spamming this story with the same damn comment, Lana.

Right? Public persona and actual persona are two different things apparently. One is your “brand” and the other is genuinely shitty. Actually, your brand is shitty too.

reportedly said Gay Men deserve AIDS because of tindr hookups

As an old, I can assure you there have been stories about Donald Trump sexually harassing women since at least the late 80s. But, since he’s a rich dude with lots of lawyers, these stories didn’t get very far because the women had neither the money nor the power that he did.

Because it’s a traumatizing experience and if you see the same thing happened to you by the same person then maybe it won’t be as horrifying to tell the truth. Strength in numbers. I didn’t tell a soul about my rape until 19 years after the fact. Even though I was roofied and logically I knew it wasn’t my fault, I

Did it ever occur to you maybe those women just want to warn the world what kind of person Drump is? Kudos to them for being brave enough to ignore the victim blaming and shaming they’re getting from people like you.

Yeah, and I’m sure we all say stupid stuff, but her’s is always extra shitty. She also reportedly said Gay Men deserve AIDS because of tindr hookups, if the cabby or driver who heard half her phone convo didn’t make tbat up.

“I think that they are just trying to get attention and get fame,”

Yeah, this is really telling: “So I think that when someone doesn’t realize they’re being filmed or recorded, they say things.”

Friendly reminder that Paris has also called black people the N word and called gay people the “F” word, too. It was all on camera, courtesy of TMZ. Makes me sick how Buzzfeed writers adore her while ignoring her racism.

Yes - my neighbor next door had an abortion, and now believes that it should be banned for everyone and doesn’t believe anyone just gets raped.

Why would she return at this point? People had already forgotten all her problematic baggage, she was off in Ibiza etc... making tons of money for barely any work, doing fine. Now she’s back to remind us how much she sucks? In this economy?

Right? Jesus, how high has she been each time she encountered this chinless motherfucker?

Dear Paris: Fuck off. You are irrelevant at best. We all remember you spewing the N-word at the height of your “fame” way back when.

I’m actually so so sad for women (and pissed at their complicity) that wrote off the pussy Tape as “typical guy stuff.” What the fuck kind of men do you have in your life where that is normal? I’ve known a lot of men, and that is definitely not normal

Honestly, I thought the most jaw-dropping quotation from the interview was her description of Drumpf as “good looking.” Bleccch.

Lest we forget the (alleged) racism...