
His behavior illustrates his fundamental misunderstanding of the presidency (as if we all didn’t know that already). He thought becoming president would make him powerful and that he could govern by fiat. Only a moron could look at the American governmental layout and think that was possible. The president has very

He’s rich and he’s always been rich - there has literally never been a time where he’s had to face a consequence. He has no ability to manage his emotions because he’s never had to. (obviously this is not an actual diagnosis.)

Thank you. No one seems to understand that career policy and public administration professionals have specific skills and, like, relevant experience. Are there people who are incompetent? Of course — as there are in every profession.

I hate the Trump/toddler comparisons because I generally love toddlers. They’re assholes and unreasonable but they’re also sweet and genuine a lot of the time! And that’s exactly how they should be at their age. So I wish everyone would leave toddlers out of it cuz that’s the only age range of children I seem to like

Exactly! Insiders have relationships and owe people things, fine, true. But they also have experience-they’ve been through a variety of tough legislative situations-which is so valuable. And they have relationships. Part of the reason that congress used to (pre-tea party morons) be able to get some shit done from time

Insiders are underrated. Yes, some of them are beholden to special interests. So are many outsiders, as Trump and his endless self-dealing and nepotism demonstrate. The very best insiders are those who care about public policy and have from early on in their careers. Give me Joe Biden over some Tea Party asshole who

I’m by no means a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist, but don’t most people generally agree that the Racist-in-Chief is a malignant narcissist with NPD? Also, he’s a sociopath and a pathological liar, one whose brain is largely composed of putrid, decaying vanilla pudding (which I’m pretty sure contributes to his

Well paranoia, agitation, mood swings and anger are all symptoms. Along with losing train of thought/ability to concentrate and repeating words and phrases. But I’m just a doctor on the internet.

It was kind of obvious his insane rant yesterday was because he didn’t like being forced to say what he did before. His staff being in shock kind of proved it.

And his base still loves him and the GOP will look the other way because they’re getting theirs.

Didn’t you just read it as “a WH official hoarsely whispered slumped in defeat?”

But I thought Mad Dog Kelly was supposed to rein him in? How long before he bolts or is fired? I mean just look at him:

Can we remind ourselves of the fact that every single thing that the Clinton campaign, real journalists, honest pundits, and everyday people warned that would happen with trump as president has in fact happened and continues to happen.

I’m starting to think Kelly’s position on limiting Ivanka and Jared’s access to him is part of a strategy to get him to blow himself up. She’s been his handler for years and he’s the only one who can talk him down—it’s no coincidence this conference took place when he was tired and sundowning and they weren’t there.

“Trump, as reminder, doesn’t want to be president. He wants to be a dictator. A Baby Dictator, who poops his diaper and then assassinates his staff for not cleaning it up fast enough.”

What sorts of things make Trump angry?

Reverse psych him out. It wouldn’t even be hard.

I just love this tweet as I can’t help but read it like it was said by a shellshocked staffer somewhere.