
Can someone explain why the shitting on Leo? Yeah, he is extremely superficial- but, so what? Consenting adults and all. As far as I know (and if I am wrong please tell me!) he’s never treated any of these women like shit, he’s never been an asshole- he is environmentally conscious, he seems like an overall decent

This needs WAY more stars. If only because they did a great job in just pointing the camera and showing these shitheads for what they are.

Much growth. Very brave. Wow.

Finally a win for brunettes.

Wow, Leo sure likes the cargo DadShorts

Does this women know that she’s black? Had she been in Charlottesville, on Saturday, the neo-nazis and white supremacists would have beat her up, just like every one else. It would not have mattered that she is a Republican.

Now playing

Seth has been ON POINT with his analysis and comments on El Naranja for a couple of years and since El Naranja started his campaign with his “A Closer Look” segments. He has never attempted to normalize Naranja’s bullshit and had come at him with powerful words, unafraid to call him the racist, sexist, domestic

Dinosaurs were more moral.

With bonus WEIRD AL.

Now playing

Vice has a very good on the ground piece. They were there to document the rally from the beginning and got access and interviews with one of the leading pieces of shit.

But you do remember when the Village People won the battle of Iwo Jima through choreography, correct?

She can always defend herself with “but it’s exactly the same as a rainbow flag! Why you guys being so meeean?”

Well Starr the next time they have a march I suggest you join in. Next time you are riding around in the south drop by a house with Stars and Bars in the yard. Let us know how it goes.

Did not even read beyond the headline but I just know there are not enough face palm gifs to convey my feelings.... but here are a few:

it was glorious, as per usual.

If you have access to an HBO or HBOGO account, I’d highly recommend checking out Sunday’s John Oliver segment as well.

Hmmm...as a straight person I’ve never seen a rainbow flag and thought “That person hates me and is advocating for a system that wants to destroy me.” As a black person, I have thought that whenever I see a confederate flag.

And dropping the A-Bomb on Japan is exactly the same thing as giving handicapped people their own parking spaces.

Let’s check in with one of the first supporters of the rebel flag, and see what he has to say about its design intent: