
And nobody wants to talk about the ACTUAL heritage: that of poor white farmers and farmers’ sons dragooned into fighting an unwinnable and unconscionable war for the tiny group of superrich that wanted to preserve their oh-so-precious way of life involving crushing everybody beneath them and would have had any one of

They fly them here. Some asshat drives with one of the original “stars and bars” flags attached to one side of his pickup in my hometown. The other side has old glory. I believe he works at Burger King.

Seriously, I saw a confederate flag in Colorado and was like I see you buddy.

I have really been enjoying the backlash against these shitheads. I particularly liked the family that held a press conference to denounce and disown their Nazi son.

It is an important point and I respectfully disagree. I do not see mobs in these videos, but protesters engaged in constitutionally protected acts of civil disobedience essential to American democratic traditions. The militant antifa block are not only a small minority of the protesters, more importantly, they exist

NOPE! These statues were put up in 1920s or during Jim Crow bullshit. The Confederates were traitors who LOST the damn war. Plenty still call the war of Northern agression or about states’ rights rather than SLAVERY. Tear them all down.

NC has some serious problems, but there is a fierce anti-racist left here that’s been sharpened by years of having to fight against one of the worst (and unconstitutionally gerrymandered) state legislatures in the country. Fun fact: a few years back, said legislature took control over monuments like these and stripped

I can’t find it right now, but Aziz Ansari has a bit about R Kelly. Apparently during an interview following the peeing-on-an-underage-girl scandal, the interviewer asked R Kelly: “Are you attracted to underage girls?” Easiest softball question. All you need to say is “no.” Instead, R Kelly said “Define underage.”

You would be surprised - even some Neo-Nazis in Germany who can’t fly Third Reich flags due to the German laws against Nazi symbolism have been flying Confederate flags.

Not buying your concern trolling at all. And for the record, I am not white, and many people would say I am not even a liberal.

If you didn’t grow up on Don Bluth nightmare-inducing children’s movies, you didn’t ever grow up!

Thank you! Here in Mississippi, we have confederate memorials/statues in towns that DIDN’T EVEN EXIST during the Civil War. We have the stupid fucking confederate battle flag on our state flag, to our eternal and well-deserved shame. I can only hope that this over-playing the “hurr’tage” hand will somehow lead to

I saw an article today about how the New York State Fair in Syracuse has decided to ban Confederate flags. NEW YORK STATE. Apparently they’d been flying them there. But yeah “it’s about heritage.”

Particularly their low rent Friday night reenactment of a Nuremberg Rally, with the torches and extended arms (but no Hugo Boss Nazi uniforms).

Today I learned that most statues largely rely on their own weight to keep them anchored. Which is good to know. Also this, now and forever:

These “Heritage, not hate” shitbags really overplayed their hand this time.

A close relative lives in Chapel Hill. I just sent her a note of appreciation.

Trump was pushed to condemn the white supremacist terrorists; he waited an obscenely long time to do so after shamefully equivocating Saturday. And then, once the populace forced his hand, complained that he was not receiving enough credit for having done the right thing.

Pull down those traitorous statues and destroy them in every city that has them. Same goes for that fucking flag.

Never been prouder to be a Durhamite