
I guess we could blame this on the demise of the American mob.

They’re really endearingly earnest about their work, aren’t they?

You’d think the Clintons would be busting out their heart attack gun by now.

Little boy/girl, I’ve been black and gay longer than you’ve been alive.

They’re addicted to power, and their twisted views see victimhood as a source of it. Reason and logic have nothing to do with it; it’s as if they were addicts and somebody told them that, say, the local kindergarten was hoarding all the good drugs. They would flip out, rage, try to rob the kindergarten without putting

That commenter is playing games, that’s all. They know better.

The Constitution guarantees the right to PEACEFUL protest, though. What these alt-right fuckheads did this weekend is the precise opposite of peaceful. I think the ACLU got hoodwinked into defending them, thinking that they would only be holding a peaceful protest.

Right where IS that Hillary/Obama death squad when you need it?

If the ACLU cherry-picked whose rights they were fighting for, they really wouldn’t be defending anyone’s rights. As much as people may hate their clients at times, their job is the law.

McAuliffe needs to demand a full-on DHS\FBI investigation of the organizers and participating groups. This was a premeditated conspiracy to riot.

That’s my thought when people say Bush did 9-11. Sure, it was a controlled demolition. Truckloads of explosives were secretly delivered and carefully placed on a 110 story building. But no one saw it and anyone who did has kept the secret for all these years.

He campaigned with Arpaio multiple times and has called him a great American. And Arpaio is in many ways one of the authoritarian figures like Putin loves, people who are everything Trump isn’t but wishes he was.

Apparently the fascists were preparing for all-out war in Charlottesville:

And that the Clintons haven’t murdered people. (Lol, Weiner a pretty good example of that too.)

Well that only took 48-hours of the worst PR possible, for a sitting American President. And a completely self-serving statement, with the sole purpose of trying to save face. If he was serious about this, Bannon and others would no longer be employed by his administration.

What I thought. Actually what I thought well before he even got close to the WH. I kept thinking “Surely the people who actually control American politics won’t let him ruin their cushy gig.” and continued to be surprised by a distinct lack of removal every step of the way. My whole belief system is in tatters now.

I, too, hope things return to normal, hidden racism.

This man’s continued existence is proof that JFK was not killed by any government plot.

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Two days after responding to the attack in Charlotteville, Virginia that left one dead and numerous people injured